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bra thief
Tuesday, Feb. 05, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

how can it seem like a day goes on and on forever, but the time goes by so quickly? damn, i never get anything done, but i do. this is so weird.

so, things have been very hectic with me, i'm always on the go and there's always something to do. even so, i've finally been able to squeeze in some sort of a social life.

last week was fun... i started back at classes, and was finally forced to function in public. i've been doing quite well actually. everyone was glad to see me back at school, and i was glad to be back.

this past weekend was my first real weekend since i got out of the hospital, i went to a club to see some cheerleaders from the redskins, i went out for some expensive dinners with friends, saw too many movies at crazy prices, and ate way too much junkfood.

now it's time to get serious. the pressure's on to catch up on everything i missed while i was in the hospital, and it seems like too much. i don't think it is, not really. but you'd think the same way if it all got thrown at you at once too. so there.

i even finally got to do laundry tonight too. i thought it was my luck because i got a washer right away, and even a dryer. but of course things couldn't have turned out a-ok because some freak decided to steal my bra, right out of the washer. it wouldn't have killed me if it was any other one, but i can ONLY wear strapless ones right now because of my shoulder. now i only have one and i'd like to crucify the sick person who got some thrill off taking my bra. jerk.

i can't wait until my shoulder's all healed though, it's going to kick ass. the doctor said i can get the pins out in another month, but that also means more surgery. i cringe at the thought, but these pins are a pain in the ass anyway, they're so damn long and cumbersome. i'll post pictures in a sec, of my broken shoulder, and the pins they put in later. lovely stuff i tell you.

i still haven't heard anything from my lawyer. i wonder what the hell's going to happen. everyone says i should be set financially after all this is over, but i have my doubts. the law is never on my side. dammit.

and i have yet to hear from justin. if he doesn't get his ass here for valentine's day, he's going to be sorry he ever bothered going out with me. guys are such dicks.

but my neck hurts and i want to get at least six hours sleep tonight.

i have a feeling i'll be able to swing back into this internet routine again very soon, but don't count on it. i'm trying my best.

and i'd like to say that i finally found lunch with charles on dvd and won it on ebay. bif naked, mmmmmmmmm. that's all i have to say about that.

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