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long day
Thursday, Sept. 06, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

well, i have less than six hours to get ready for school in the morning, and i don't care. don't you just love being an insomniac?

well, today's been pretty eventful. kind of. my feet hurt.

i got up around eight to get ready to register for classes. melissa called to make sure i was up, and we all went up to campus: me, marilyn, melissa, and her girl peggy.

we waited in two/three seperate line-ups and wasted an hour to find out we had already registered in july, and things were all sorted out. blah.

so we went to the library while i typed up peggy's resum�. that took me quite a bit, since she's had so many jobs. there was this old lady answering e-mails next to me, and apparently something went wrong, because she blurted out, "fuck". i had to laugh in my head, cause i've seriously never heard an old lady swear before.

oooh, hehe. while i was waiting to get on the computer, melissa whsipered to me "so is there anything going on?" and it took me a few seconds to realize she was asking me whether marilyn and i were seeing each other. i nearly laughed out loud because we could never be a couple! i had to say, "damn, i haven't even told her i'm bi yet!". she had seen a flybite on my neck the other day while we were at the university, and asked where i got my hickey from. she wouldn't believe me! haha. but my bites do tend to look like hickeys...

we went to the mall after that and had lunch at the food court. while we were eating, we met up with jacinda and faye from our hometown. it was so freaky! this is such a small world. so we talked for a while, and after a bit of window shopping, the girls dropped us off at the university to get our photo id's done. little did we know, they're not doing them until the 11th. after an hour of wandering around campus, we took the bus back to the mall, where we stayed until around nine p.m. i swear, i am SO sick of the mall. we spent nearly the whole day in there! but i finally got some shoes for my achy feet (my nikes have mysteriously shrunk). i got loads of lovely things, especially from chapters. i spent over a hundred dollars in there! i even went over to the gay section and picked out a book, and i didn't care if marilyn saw me. she didn't though, so i'll have to tell her sooner or later. but i'm going to start that book sometime soon. it's about experiences of young gay/bi women. sounds interesting. if any of you care, it's called diva, girl 2 girl. can't think of the author right now.

so then we came home, and talked to andrea for a bit. i had two messages, from lisa-marie and my mother, so i had to call them back. i called lisa-marie first, and we talked for a while, when i realized it was my sister's birthday and i hung up on lisa-marie to call her. i wished my sister a happy birthday and told her where to find her presents, then talked to each of my parents for a while. eventually, i called lisa-marie back and i got caught up on hometown gossip. it turns out that the girl that replaced me at the first store robbed the weekend's deposit and left town. nine grand. wooo. good luck to her.

i've been reading diaries, and a lot of girls are on diets. i feel like a pig. right now i'm eating gummy bears! for lunch i had chinese food (of course i had to have a strawberry shortcake mcflurry too, those are sooooo addictive), for supper i had one of those big yummy pretzels... i've been eating out every day and even when i'm not hungry. luckily, i haven't gained any weight. at least i don't think so. my pants still fit the same. of course i've been walking around in malls so much it would even out. oh, guess what? by the time we stopped by claire's (oooh, i bought this gorgeous butterfly barbell for my bellybutton when my piercing heals enough to change it), i was so loaded down with bags, that i had to leave them by the wall. when i left, a necklace set got caugt on one of my bags without me noticing. marilyn noticed it on the way out and i was so tired and achy i didn't care. while waiting for the bus (that i knew was going to be there any minute), i looked at the price tag and it was like seventeen bucks. i thought "no way" and i walked right back to claire's and brought it back. i'd never have been able to keep it! two bucks, yes, but not seventeen. yes, i'm such an angel. you all love me =o) i ended up missing the bus and we had t take a cab home. i hate them, they're so expensive.

my tongue hurts though, i bit it today. i'm such a pig. such a tired pig that has to get up in six hours for class. anthropology class.

wish me luck.

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