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My lovely ranting...
Sunday, Jul. 20, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

My dad thinks I might be dying or something. I never got to hold any food down yesterday, instead I had three major episodes of violent vomiting which made me cry. This is what happens when I skip a few morning sickness pills because I'm "feeling nauseous". My dad wanted to take me to the hospital and all I could think was how they would tell me they couldn't give me anything because it wasn't safe during pregnancy, hence more crying. So I just put the Osbournes on and forced myself to sleep. I propose that I go to the hospital where they induce me into a deep coma and wake me up in six months after my baby's born, but I don't think they'd allow that. Too bad, because all this pregnancy stuff is turning me into a wench.

I've survived three weeks of work. Three weeks of kids in constant arguments and fights; having to repeat things over and over, cleaning up a billion messes, listening to stupid music and computer games, the list goes on. Surving a few kids alone deserves a trophy on my part, because I hope Jordan never comes back. Now, just to get the next five weeks done and over with. I'd say it was worth the money I'm getting paid, but my checks are only around $400 each, putting me at a grand total of $1600 for two months. That's not even at minimum wage ($6/hr, I'm getting $7/hr)... and everyone wonders why so many Canadians are forced to go on welfare. I really need to get my settlement; I'm going to check my archives and see just exactly how long ago it was that I was supposed to have it... okay, on June 4th he said I'd have my settlement in a matter of three weeks. How many weeks has it been now? Six and a freaking half. If I wasn't busy working all day long, I'd call my lawyer's ass up and find out what the hell's going on because I got hit by that car... 1.5 years ago? I'm just getting sick of it, I don't see why everything has to drag on.

I have 15 minutes left watching an eBay auction for two diapers from Full Moon Baby Gear. There's so many things I want to get for Bean right now and I'm already broke after having my check for three days. Sometimes I wish I never had to grow up, but then I'd have to deal with my mother's abuse and all that fun jazz. To tell you the truth, that might even be easier because at least when I was small and getting tortured and beaten and dehumanized, at least I knew how to survive. I still don't know how the hell I'm going to afford this baby...

I'm wearing: Tee, shorts
I'm listening to: Nothing
I'm thinking: I want to go back to sleep

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