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i'm back with my dad
Friday, Nov. 01, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

okay, i can't type long because it's far too late seeing as i haven't slept for over a day.

but, i stayed up all night with damieon knowing it'd be my last night there. to tell you the truth, we did some things i never thought came along with a friendship. ever.

the world is full of surprises.

so, i spent all day travelling, going crazy with boredom. got home, had mary brown's (mmmm), and unpacked. i'm still trying to settle in, but i want to see if damieon's home yet.

i don't know how i'm going to survive it out here. no friends.


I'm wearing: new flannel pj's (which are WAAAAAY to big to be a medium)
I'm listening to: muchmusic (nothing's on t.v.)
I'm thinking: need sleep

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