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going home tomorrow
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i could be home right now, but i was way too tired this morning... i couldn't even drag myself out of bed to finish packing. but my room is all empty now, and i'm not going to stay here any longer.

hopefully i can make it on the plane. the weather is bad back home, and i don't even have my ticket changed... i called the travel agency back home and i have a friend working there. she told me to go up there and make up a sob story so they will put me on the plane for free. otherwise, i secure a seat with my travel agency and it costs me almost $250.

i'm also trying to keep my apartment, so i have to find out where to get two months of rent from (seeing as i have no money). so i did something very hard tonight... i called my biological mother and asked her for one month's rent. it was the first time i ever asked her for anything, and it brought tears to my eyes. especially when she said she wouldn't give it to me. she says she can loan it to me, but she seemed like i was this big burden on her.

all my friends don't really want me to go, and since they've known that i'm leaving this week, i'm feeling kind of bad about going.

but i want to go home too. so tomorrow, wish me good luck.

I'm wearing: baby tee, stretchy jeans, white socks
I'm listening to: soak up the sun *sheryl crow*
I'm thinking: my neck hurts

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