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the dreaded meeting
Friday, Oct. 25, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

you know you're diary's getting a bit too common when you get around 40 server hits, and well over a 100 page hits... it kinda freaks me out. and what kinda kids from harvard law and stanford would want to read my diary?

beats me.

but, here i am, on campus, using damieon's login and hoping someone doesn't recognize me and tells me i don't belong here anymore. because, obviously, i don't. i feel like such a sneak! but i'm only waiting for damieon to get out of his classes so we can get some stuff done up/downtown. you know what? after NINE frikkin days, the shop is finally done with my laptop! i wasn't home to get the call, but damieon says i owe them $75. my laptop better be working pretty damn good because it didn't even require any new hardware. i swear, people charge crazy amounts when they think they know more than me. if i had the balls, i would have opened up that laptop up myself instead of them doing it for that much. i've opened up all three of my computers over the years and fixed whatever was wrong. but a dainty little laptop? no thanks.

anyway, i'd also like to note that i had that meeting with the insurance company today. i was entirely too edgy, and way beyond emotional. giving that statement was pretty damn hard, and i wasn't sure if i was going to make it all the way through. when i said, "i tried to get up, but i couldn't feel my arm so i started to scream"... yeah, there were tears in my eyes. i thought i was going to break down and start crying in my lawyer's arms. but, i pushed them back and gave the rest of the statement. and i survived it. the insurance lady was trying to be sneaky and leave specific things out that i was telling her, but i wasn't going to sign it until i was satisfied with it. and i wasn't completely satisfied, but i couldn't take it anymore and just wanted to get out of there. my lawyer's going to call me on monday and tell me how things went after i left. and hopefully, within a month, i'll have money. because right now, i have $10.42 in the bank. mrs. moneybags, right here!

i do have to admit though, i was really dreading this day. looking at the fact that i have to bring things out in the open again, and bring out all those emotions. i guess the whole accident didn't really hit me until i was forced to talk things out. but you know me, always bottling things up.

i can't wait to go home... i can't wait to run into my dad's arms (because we all know i'm THE daddy's girl) and run into the house and give my dog a heart attack. haha, i miss that boy. i can't wait to be in my own comfortable surroundings (haha) and just relax.

it's just... there's so much to do.

and another day is gone.

I'm wearing: baby tee, stretchy jeans, penguin socks, fleece jacket
I'm listening to: many different typing sounds
I'm thinking: i can't wait to see melissa

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