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i hate big papers
Saturday, Nov. 24, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

dammit, i've really been lacking the motivation to be updating this thing lately. not that anyone ever really notices.

so, yesterday was quite hectic. i had planned on getting up at 6:30 and going to school and writing my native studies paper all day, since it was the last possible day to pass it in (it was due on the 13th, whoops). but being cranky, i kept hitting the snooze button until 8:00 when i forced myself out of bed. i got to school, and found out right away that i had gotten into residence. yay!!!! so, naturally, i just got all psyched about it, since i would have been homeless if i didn't get in. i ended up just wasting time until around 10:30. so by then, i knew i had to start my paper. i found a semi-quiet place to work, and got one paragraph into my paper when marilyn hunted me down and distracted me. she's got black hair, talk about weird! so she talked and talked and talked. she was in a surprisingly good mood, and i couldn't figure out why. so i ended up deserting my paper and caught up on gossip and news with her. we went and got on the computers, where i chatted with nicole through e-mail. see, she's trying to get into my university, and i'm helping her out with the whole process. we left there, and marilyn needed a smoke. we got more coffee after that, and then i took her to the new social work building, and took her to the new computer lab. i took her on a tour of the building, and then we just sat around and did nothing all day. i went for lunch, and wasted yet more time on my behalf. i think it was around 1:30 when i decided to get back to my paper. i was cutting it pretty short because this paper had to be 1250 words, and typed. but, i managed to write it, and it sounded pretty damn good. i had it all finished, typed, and done up by 3:45 and went to look for my prof's office for the first time. it wasn't easy either, i'd never been in holy cross before. i slipped it under his door, and hoped he'd believe i had it passed in that day, and not sometime on the weekend. i also called his office phone and left a message when i got home. now, i need to get at least 80% to pass, since there's been a deduction of 3% for every day late. it's been ten days... yes, i'm a bad-ass.

by the time i came home, i was exhausted. i'd been running around all day, for myself, and for nicole. i just sat down and relaxed. i called melissa to see what i had missed in humanities, but it turned out the class had been cancelled, so things couldn't have turned out better. i also ended up staying on the phone with nicole for nearly two hours, and my dad and brother and sister for just as long, probably longer. i even turned on the t.v. and watched it until i fell asleep. i really think i'm going to die without my stereo. my dad can't find the receipt, i'll kill him!

today, i didn't even wake up until 2:45... i guess the whole week just catches up on me, and saturday is my day to catch up on sleep. i've been watching movies and doing nothing, it feels quite good actually. tomorrow i'll try to get another paper written, not the other big one though, i need a break from big papers for a few days. and now i've lost interest in writing. i think i'm going to make myself a cheese pizza.

have a great weekend!

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