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blue hair
Sunday, Jan. 13, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

wow, i can actually look at my half of the room and not cringe. but you know what my secret is? i threw everything into the shelf and drawer, so my job is not yet finished. grrr. at least it looks nice.

and i've been thrown into crystal's crowd of friends here in residence. it's quite nice actually, i wasn't even trying to find a shitload of new friends.

and before i forget to mention, i dyed my hair blue. i owe it to my 15 year-old self. it's got a kind of turquoise color, and my roots ended up going green. lovely. i keep forgetting i've got it done and shock the crap out of myself whenever i walk by a mirror.

tomorrow i will do my readings and my german homework.

and my bif naked cd is on the way, i'm getting happier by the day. my other one got sent to my dad's, and he's lost it already. i'm not pleased. bif's newest tour dates are all over alberta, so it looks pretty bleak at the thought of her coming back here. i need more bif! blah.

i'm too tired, i need sleep. but i'd like to announce that i'm finally online on my laptop again. doesn't it feel sweet =o)

i'll update whenever i find some time. i love you diaryland.

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