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I can crochet, woo-hoo!
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

I want to get away! I need a break from taking care of my family, the house, the dogs, the errands, the cooking, the cleaning, the nerve-racking, all of it.

My brother's dying with some viral bitch, I'm guessing a... cold? Flu? Hell if I know, I never get sick. Well, almost never. He made me seem like this evil stepmother for making him take Buckley's cough syrup, it was quite amusing though. The poor thing, he's been throwing up, he's lost a lot of weight, he can't stop coughing and his fever won't go down. And now my dad's coming down with it too. AND it gives Miranda a reason to stay away from home even longer (she hasn't been around for... almost a week now?) And people think I'm crazy for eating a really healthy diet. It's the meat, it's gotta be the meat. And all the sugar and preservatives and additives and God only knows what else they pump into all that mainstream prepared stuff and junkfood. I've been spending most of my free time with him... playing card games and playstation, watching movies and all that motherly crap. He made me rent Lilo and Stitch last night, and it was surprisingly good. Dysfunctional family right here! xXx was mostly disappointing, minus the edible Vin Diesel. I like to tease my dad because he can't understand German songs when he grew up right next door to Germany and speaks it fluently.

I'd like to announce that... I've actually taught myself how to crochet, left-handed even. Maybe a few years down the road I'll have finished making a blanket, because it seems like it's going to take forever. The yarn I need overflows my schoolbag! All the crochet motivation came from my Sari, who made a blanket for me which is on its way here... and then she called me the other day alllll the way from Alaska when I was still half-asleep *Hi Sari!* You gotta love those random phone calls.

Oh yeah, the whole mother thing. I'm gonna need some popcorn for this (okay, I'm just hungry!). I have four minutes of undivided attention to write, though my dad's trying to talk to me about snowpants... it's safe to say that my mother didn't cause any major damage here. She was drunk far too much and missed her plane back because of her drunkenness... but we didn't get into any arguments and things were actually decent. It was even actually a bit nice. Who'd have known it'd be nice to have a mother around? I wish I had a mother growing up, but there's no point in wishing over the past. Anyway, she needs surgery on one of her eyes, and she wants me to be her escort as she has to fly out to "the rock" a.k.a. Newfoundland. I really don't like it out there, but it's a free trip and I'd do just about anything to get out of here. Too bad it's not going to happen until this summer.

Okay, I have my popcorn now, I must pay attention to it... mmmm.

I'm wearing: Flannel pj's, cow socks, flower slippers
I'm listening to: Moment of weakness *Bif Naked*
I'm thinking: I need to pee

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