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Heated blankets are my savior
Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

My dad bought this heating blanket and I swear it's one of the best inventions ever. It still gets down to -40� (F and C) here and two comforters and the heat up at over half just doesn't cut it. It's the coolest thing ever and I wonder how I ever lived without one! I don't think my doggie's figured out where the heat's coming from yet, he kinda moves around a lot hehe... the first time he jumped up on my waterbed he almost had a heart attack! Man, I miss that waterbed.

My brother's still pretty sick, but at least he's not coughing every 3.7 seconds until he gets a nosebleed. He was annoying me today and I promptly said, "Gee, I wish you were still sick!" and he got offended. Heh. He's getting better though and has actually grown a fondness of Buckley's! March break is over and school starts again tomorrow; if he has to stay home much longer I'm going to start yelling obscenties at whoever pisses me off in the slightest way.

I'm definitely going to have to put tomorrow aside as the day to select all my courses for the fall. A lot of the psych and anthropology classes I wanted to take aren't even offered this year so I'm not too pleased about that. It's scary to think that after this year I have to officially declare my majors... not that I'm going to change my mind, but setting things in stone freaks me out just a little bit. I'm really hoping I can get into forensic anthropology this year, last year's waitlist was insane! I'm really starting to second-guess what I want to do when I get my degrees, hence the double major. But how cool would it be if I worked in forensics?!

I wish I had more time, but as usual I don't. I miss spending more time at my diary... I'll make up for it eventually, I promise!

I'm wearing: Flannel pj's, flower slippers
I'm listening to: Don't look back in anger *Oasis*
I'm thinking: My fingers are gonna freeze and break off

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