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They are not my kids
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

So it's after 8 a.m. and I still haven't gone to bed yet. Someone bitchslap me out of this sleeping schedule! It's not that I'm trying to be nocturnal; I've been SO damn lethargic and exhausted these days, I nap/sleep when I need to. And then I find nice things on the internet at 3 a.m. and get stuck on memorial pages and such for a good 3 hours or so. I'd love to go to sleep now, but Miranda has a doctor's appointment that she doesn't want which I'm going to steal. I wasn't supposed to go back until sometime next month but it's so unbelievably hard to get fit in at the hospital. I mean, it took what, 3 months to get in for an ultrasound?! Even under normal circumstances that's insane, but I was at serious risk of infection and getting in for a scan shouldn't be that stressful in the first place. Ugh, hospitals. If I get admitted to a hospital one more time, I'm going to be one very disappointed Marie. Anyway...

I actually don't have much going on at the moment! Maybe it's because I've been avoiding/putting off many, many errands and such, which is worse than being incredibly busy. I still have to go to the daycare down the street to pass in my resum� (have I talked about the daycares in here?), I have to call my lawyer, my school sponsor, pick out my courses for the fall (oops), clean up a ton of stuff, catch up on curve reviews, send off Annie's package, buy the router for the computers, switch over my credit card numbers on a ton of things, etc etc etc. On top of that I have to feed my family, make sure they've got clean clothes, a livable space, make sure they don't kill each other, etc, all while I'm trying to shorten my to-do list. And I thought university was hectic!

And my dad said something the other night that totally freaked me out. My brother and sister are in air cadets together. If you don't know anything about the military, don't ask; just think of it as an army core for teenagers. Anyway, they had to perform for a winter games closing ceremony which was broadcast locally. My dad and I stayed home and watched it on t.v. since we didn't want to pay to get in... what's the point? So we were watching, trying to figure out where the sibs were... and out of nowhere, my dad asks, "do you see our kids anywhere?" and it almost caused my jaw to drop. What's worse is that he didn't even notice what he asked me... I did NOT sign on to mother 2 kids just 5 and 9 years my junior. No Dad, they are not my kids.

Anyway, I really have to take a bath and get ready for my hospital appointment. AND remember to write my questions down before I go since they hide away in my head by the time I get there. Maybe she'll know why I'm so frikkin tired these days. And to ask about that SARS thing spreading around. The last thing I want is to die from a mini-plague.

I just realized my counseling starts up again tomorrow. Yay.

I'm wearing: Flannel pj's, fleece robe, flower slippers
I'm listening to: Tainted love *Marilyn Manson*
I'm thinking: I wish Miranda would get out of the bathroom so I can take a bath!

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