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weird dreams and no make-up
Wednesday, Dec. 05, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

i just realized that i came to school with no make-up on... well, i only wear eye make-up but i feel so naked right now it isn't funny.

i read melissa's horroscope (sp) book this morning and it said that my dreams are sending me a message. you know what i dreamt last night? that i accidentally put a tongue ring in my eyebrow, and it was so freaking tight that i ended up ripping it out trying to take it out. and i also dreamt that i was looking in this close-out music store sale thing... and i saw this really deformed blue electric guitar and told melissa about it. she was going to buy it, then i woke up.

now what's that supposed to mean? ha.

i'm going to my second-last class now, help me get through it without dying of utter boredom.

I'm wearing:
I'm listening to:
I'm thinking:

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