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long day ahead of me
Thursday, Jan. 03, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

whew, i have a LONG day ahead of me. i figured if i saw my errands right there in black and white, maybe it'd make me realize that i should be sleeping instead. so here goes...

i have to: get to the eye doctor, put my cheque in the bank, try to find out the results for my bloodwork, do some last-minute shopping, do some last-minute visiting, find all my crap so i can pack it, get my hair cut, spend my evening/night with justin (and soak in as much of him as i can, because we'll be apart for nearly four months). and that's only what i can remember.

staying out until 2 a.m. doesn't help me get any sleepier. i knew this holiday wouldn't be nearly long enough though. blah.

I'm wearing:
I'm listening to:
I'm thinking:

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