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happy v day
Thursday, Feb. 14, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i've tried to write in here a few times, and after writing tons and tons of info, whatever i was writing on (mostly at the computer lab) decided to delete everything on me and piss me off even further. damn computers. i swear though, i HAVE been trying to write.

so, it's valentine's day. things are patched up with justin and i, FINALLY. but i guess you need to know the whole story behind that. but that can't come yet because things have to go in a certain order and i'm not sure if i'll have enough time to tell you. actually, i have to leave for class in ten minutes, i didn't realize how fast the morning's been dwindling away!

so... where did i leave off? can't remember. i've been spending all my time goofing off with nicole and damieon, and possibly a ton of other people who i won't bother naming. instead of staying home and doing past-due papers and studying for big tests which i haven't bothered opening the books at all for, i went to clubs and malls and people's places. you know, the typical university work avoidance. wow huh. i got hit on a lot. and the other night, i saw a potential prostitute wearing the exact same shirt i was wearing at the time. does that make me slutty? if you say yes, i'll stone you. you know otherwise!

i've been in pain with my shoulder, as one of my pins popped out of place, and has been scraping my flesh every time i move. not fun people. but i have another doctor's appointment tomorrow and i'll tell him to fix it, surgeons can do stuff like that. so tomorrow, HE can be my hero.

i got a new piercing last night, out of pure spontantiety (i know i've got it spelled wrong, i can't know EVERY word). the new ring in my lip brings me to a total of 14 piercings now. and everyone thinks i'm crazy. this one hurt, it was awful because none of my others did. blah. and to tell you the truth, i don't even like it. maybe i'll change my mind when i get a smaller one after the swelling goes down, but i have a feeling i'll be taking this one out. besides, i'm going to miss blotting my strawberry banana lip smacker.

okay, i REALLY have to get going to class. i'll write later about justin, leila, my dad, and everything else i haven't had time to talk about.

adios, and happy valentine's day. and if you're being all anti about it, happy anti-valentine's day. i guess you can never please everyone though huh?

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