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High speed all the way
Friday, Feb. 07, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

I have entered the realms of high-speed internet, and I will never be looking back. Well, at least until I go back to university. Heh. I would not DARE leave the house today, I couldn't even force myself to sleep any later than 7:30 a.m. And it was worth it. Of course the cable guy caused an avalanche with my dvds and videos but I didn't mind. I must have an impressive amount of MP3's by now because I've run out of songs that I want.

I still have to figure out where my graphics programs are on this computer (the Christmas one) and figure out how to use them. I can upload pictures again, what a luxury. Of course there's nothing to take pictures of anymore because this town is one huge whiteout, but I'll try to come up with something. My dad's convinced that I won't be able to pry myself away from the computer for the next week and I'm almost convinced that he'll be right.

I sense vegetarianism in the near future. I've noticed that I haven't really eaten any meat in quite a while, and I don't miss it. I still find myself weak in the caffeine/sugar department, but if I can fool myself with decaf and nutrasweet I think I'll be fine. I'm determined to practice a healthy diet again... maybe I'll even remember to buy those stupid vitamins I've been talking about for the past month or so.

Did I mention my plans about moving out? I can't remember anymore... but I really need to get out of this house. I don't know how much more of my sister and brother I can handle before I go completely bonkers and admit myself to the nearest mental institution. I still have one problem: zero moola. The car accident has screwed me over in the job department because any strain on my shoulder curls me up into a ball on the floor. You'd think after two long, grueling stints at physiotherapy and unlimited amounts of housework and double-jointedness would have gotten things back to normal, but nothing's ever normal with me. I hate to admit this, but I'm going to crawl to social services and ask for financial assisstance. I cringe at the very thought but unless I want to go back to school in one piece, I really do need to get out of this environment. I figure if I go out and do some volunteering, I'll even things out in my conscience. It sounds like a sensible trade, doesn't it? I really wish I could just get a job but if you live in the middle of nowhere, your only chance is at a convenience store or greasy restaurant busting your ass for minimum wage (and believe me, I've done both and have the scars to prove it).

I'm tired now.

I'm wearing: Save Ferris tank top, STU sweatshirt, pinstripe stretch flares, butterfly/flower socks, little brother's slippers
I'm listening to: All the things she said *T.a.t.u.*
I'm thinking: I've been missing out!

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