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Another survey, wow...
Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

I'll write a proper entry later, but I'm just bored right now... I found this at forward garden.

do you type really fast?: that's what everyone tells me, that's why a lot of my friends make me type papers for them

does it annoy people who are around you (like in the library)?: all the time

do you/did you like high school?: high school was nothing but socializing and having way too much fun... i miss it

how old are you?: 21

do you know anyone who has the same birthday as you? if so name them:

krista's dad, bob barker

favorite pen color: purple

what word do you constantly misspell when typing?: completely

do you have trees in your yard?: i practically live in a forest

name one comedian that everyone thinks is funny but you absolutely cannot stand: jerry seinfeld

what annoys you more than anything?: closed-minded people

if you woke up tomorrow morning as the opposite sex, what would you do first?: freak out when i feel something dangling between my legs

where do you vacation every summer?: i vacation during spring break, usually somewhere in europe (preferrably switzerland)

do you like the beach?: depends if it's crowded or not

do you tan or burn easily?: i tan soooo easily, bit i don't think i've ever burned

do you eat lots of tv dinners?: nope, i usually make all my meals from scratch

favorite hot pocket flavor: i don't touch those things

if you could make one celebrity magically disappear, who would it be?: justin timberlake

how is life treating you?: pretty decent at the moment

do people like you?: why wouldn't they? haha

what do you think it is that makes the "popular" people popular?: an audience

what do you wear the most: jeans, cords, dickies, khakis, skirts, or shorts?: flared stretchy jeans

are you using a pc or mac?: pc

do you like chunky peanut butter?: i'd rather have smooth

what amazes you about the opposite sex?: their simpicity

are you in love with anyone?: not right now

do you like anyone?: nope

favorite cereal: multigrain cheerios, cream of wheat, oatmeal

name a movie that makes you cry: i cried watching trapped, but i was pregnant and my hormones were all over the place

what's something you like about the opposite sex, physically, that your friends think is odd?: jawline, hands, proportions (a big head or short legs, something like that)

is it true that only the good die young?: no

if so, are you going to live forever or die soon?: i don't know, you tell me

do you live for today?: i always have, to an extent

have any of your friends had kids as teenagers?: most of them

did they finish high school?: most of them

favorite 80's television show: TOO many to list... but the first one that comes to mind is punky brewster

were you even born in the 80's?: 80's kids rule!

what year?: 1981

have you ever taught a little kid a curse word?: i taught my baby cousin to stick his tongue out at people, does that count?

do you think little boys are horrendously ill behaved?: everyone has their own personality

have you ever thrown anything at a moving car? if so, what?: snowballs

name a villian in a movie that scared you when you were a kid: the only movie that freaked me out when i was small was night of the living dead... but you shouldn't watch that all by yourself when you're only 6 or 7 years old anyway!

have you seen the original friday the thirteenth?: probably

the original chucky?: yeah, they've gotten progressively funnier

the original halloween?: i think so

what's your favorite channel?: wb, a&e, discovery channel

what do you say when you stub your toe off of the corner of the coffee table?: fuck

what's the highest thing you've ever jumped off of and landed unharmed?: unharmed? haha

does it snow where you live?: it's winter at least 3/4 of the year here

if yes, do you go sled riding?: not anymore, i'd like to learn snowboarding when my shoulder's better though

have you ever used anything weird, like a frisbee or a trashcan lid, for a sled?: a garbage bag, i think i used a frying pan before too

how many people do you know who were born in november? kacie

what month has the most people you know born in it?: how should i know? i'm guessing december though

do holidays make you festive?: it depends how i'm feeling at that time of the year

magazines you subscribe to: nada... but i steal my dad's time and my sister's teen people if they interest me

do you read the supermarket tabloids?: only if there's something good on the front page

have you ever smashed somebody's halloween pumpkin?: no, that's rude!

ever had yours smashed?: nope

do you celebrate christmas?: not in the traditional sense, just in the commercialized way

if not, do you still watch "how the grinch stole christmas" when it comes on television?: i have to watch "a christmas story" every christmas

do you think the grinch movie starring jim carrey was a waste of money?: not particularly

ever had a hot teacher?: nope

what do you want for your birthday this year?: a kick-ass digital camera and a sewing machine

have you ever egged somebody's house?: *shakes head*

has someone ever egged yours?: yeah, my brother and sister regularly attract bullies

do we all go a little mad sometimes?: aren't we all a little mad 24/7?

what pisses you off more than anything in the world?: my family

do you still go trick or treating?: i haven't done that since grade 9

have you ever worked in a supermarket?: i've worked in four different convenience stores

how about a restaurant?: yep

if yes, do you agree with me when i say that those are the two worst establishments to work in?: definitely

what color is your bedspread?: one is blue and the other is purple

do your eyes change colors?: unfortunately, no

do you believe that we walked on the moon?: i like to conjure up conspiracies, does that answer your question?

what's your opinion of the u.s. retaliation in afghanistan?: war sucks

do you live by yourself?: i usually have my own place, but am living with my dad at the moment

have you ever gotten a computer virus?: yeah

if so, what was it and how did you get rid of it?: some kind of trojan horse i got by downloading some hacker programs, hehe... i quarantined it with norton antivirus

describe your junior high/middle school gym teacher: i had mr. forsey almost all my life, he was pretty cool. we always laughed at his pinky finger because it was deformed from a fracture he got as a kid

what was your first date like?: it was cute... we drove around all over the place, then went to his place afterwards and listened to music and talked

did you go/are you going to the prom?: yeah, way back in 1999

if you've already gone, was it good or bad? explain why: it was awful... we had no budget to splurge on anything except a bit of finger foods and everything was held in our gym which was unbelievably hot (no a/c!) i left early and got my mother pissed off, and my supposed best friend made me feel like shit

do you get uneasy when you see a person of a different color than you walking down the same street as you in the middle of the night?: i get scared walking alone at night PERIOD

if yes, do you think that makes you racist? that makes me paranoid!

are you a vegetarian? i used to be, i'm going veggie again soon

how about vegan? i could NEVER live without dairy

if no to both, do you think you could be? look above

have you ever given up a certain type of food?: i've given up meat, sugar, and caffeine

spit out a random song lyric for me: "sucking on a sucker, running down the alley away from worthlessness" bif naked, choking on the truth

who does the chores around your house?: my dad and i

name one person who annoys you more than anyone else, and tell why: jerry springer... need i say more?

what movie could you watch a million times and never get tired of?: empire records, i've watched that nearly a million times anyway!

what movie have you watched a million times, and you still laugh at the jokes?: big daddy

what movie do you hope you never see again?: most of those stupid teen movies

have you ever hugged a stuffed animal or pillow and pretended that it was your significant other or someone you had a crush on, and then someone caught you talking to it and stroking its soft, fuzzy fur, and laughed at you and told the whole school?: wtf?

do you drive?: i can, but i hate driving

if so, do you like to drive at night or in the day time? i'd prefer daytime... i hate getting bright headlights in my eyes

has anyone ever called you a bitch?: who hasn't been called a bitch?

has anyone ever called you an asshole?: nope

are you a bitch/asshole?: sometimes, i have my reasons

what's the first thing you do when you get home from school/work?: when i DO go to school... i usually get home, get a glass of water, put on some music and relax until i find something to clean

favorite pop tart flavor: yuck!

do you play any musical instruments? if so, what?: i used to play the flute and i can mess around with trumpet, guitar, clarinet, sax, piano; i've recently gotten a violin which i should start teaching myself

tell me about the best school-related activity you ever took part in: well, university dorm-related... a bunch of people in our residence rented a bus and went to saint john (new brunswick). we had a tour of the beer brewery and got drunk for free. both the rides back and forth were hilarious, we even had beer for the way home

have you ever built a snowman?: lots of times

did you cry when it melted, or when the kid next door knocked its head off with a shovel?: haha, no

what's your religion?: i was baptised into christianity, but i don't like organized religion and practice my own little book of beliefs

do you try to force it on other people?: no

do you knock on people's doors at 7 a.m. on saturdays trying to give them a pamphlet and tell them about the lord, or ask random people at the mall if they�ve been saved, yet you think that doesn�t count as forcing religion, you son of a bitch?: okay... someone's repressed, haha

what's the best restaurant you've ever eaten at?: some cozy place in switzerland (with a restaurant on the the same street offering canadian racehorse meat, DAMN). they gave me this HUGE yummy salad with all kinds of stuff in it. man, what i wouldn't do for another one of those...

have you ever been flipping channels late at night and caught a glimpse of some porn on skinemax?: don't have a dish, but i've flipped across some softcore stuff

if so, did you watch it? just for a few seconds before i realized that a&e and discovery channel are always more interesting

what's the code word or phrase you and your friends use for the word SEX?: it used to be white chocolate in high school, but nowadays i just use the word sex

is sex an uncomfortable topic for you?: not at all

what is the one thing in the world that just looking at it makes you vomit, or come close to it?: not much really, i can't even think of anything

when other people vomit, does it make you sick?: nope, i have a pretty strong stomach

do your clothes match?: everything HAS to match with me

what are you wearing right now?: flannel pj's, butterfly socks, butterfly slippers

did you ever have those fisher price roller skates that go over top of your shoes? no, my sister did though... i had the cool white roller skates with the red wheels

did you have a bike with a banana seat?: yeah, those were fun

could you ride it?: of course! it was good for doubling too

have you lived in the same house your entire life?: no, and my dad told me that serco tore down our PQ not long ago... it makes me want to cry

what�s the weirdest thing you�ve lived next to?: a haunted PQ? i've never really lived by anything weird

who is the ugliest person you�ve ever seen?: i don't know, what kind of question is that?

do you watch talk shows?: sometimes i junk out on maury every now and then

do you think miss cleo is full of shit?: anyone who thinks she isn't is an idiot (no offense)

if not, have you called her and wasted your money, you idiot? haha, i didn't even look at this one and they're using "idiot"

what are your thoughts on keeping animals in captivity?: i believe in using captivity to prevent extinction and animal-friendly environments, but otherwise it's not right

what do you think of all the �superstores� that are popping up everywhere? (super walmart, super k-mart, super target)?: walmart is my favorite store!

what do you think of pop music?: most of it sucks... i like pop-based styles, like pop punk

tell me something i don�t know: i'm drinking water right now

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