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how's that for an entry?
Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

yay, the stats got fixed!

haha, how was that for an entry? don't worry, i'll update sometime tomorrow. i'd enlighten you right now but once again it'll probably take a half hour or so to do. there's way too much going on in my life right now. stressed isn't the word to describe it. i haven't even gotten the freaking chance to do the dishes yet (notice how marilyn hasn't done them? guess what? she's not even home!).

so yeah, i've been up for over 20 hours now and i'm getting a bit cranky. i'm going to sleep in a bed tonight too, no more recliners for me.

pssst, can someone do me a favor? go and download one of my diary buttons, and make a new one to say "googled" in the same font and color (or as close as possible, my poor brain doesn't remember what i used...). i'd be much obliged. it doesn't download properly on my laptop, or at my university. technology sucks. and to back my statement up, i just got disconnected after being online for ten minutes.

crappy internet.

but i love you.

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