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Sunday, Nov. 18, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

so, my diary got nearly 200 hits yesterday. yikes! hopefully most of these people won't ever come back again, because a rush of paranoia has now come over me... 200 hits to my diary in one day? have i no privacy anymore? haha, no, i asked for it.

i was trying to save my shrek dvd as a christmas present to myself, but i gave in last night and watched it. it was okay, the ending was nothing i'd expected it to be though. and i don't know why i didn't hear that princess fiona was an ogre too. i mean i always found out about other movie's endings before i saw them, whether i wanted to or not... jack dying in titanic for instance. grr on those people. but damn, those dvds kept me busy for like three hours! i didn't even get to look at everything, but by then i didn't care anymore.

um... i also started reading harry potter last night. i'm on the fifth chapter, and it's finally starting to be less boring. i can't wait to see the movie now! i'm still trying to find a brave soul to try one of my sardine-flavored jellybeans, any takers?

my dad asked me what i wanted for my birthday (he's still giving me birthday presents, i'm such a daddy's girl and i love him to death). i seriously don't have a clue what i want! so, he said he'd send me some money and i can go out and buy it myself. maybe windows xp? naw, i'm too lazy to get it switched over from windows me. hmmm. don't know. maybe i'll just keep the money for a rainy day? i hate choices, i really do.

well, there are dishes to be done, so i'm off to clean.

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