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lots of work
Marie is The current mood of at

yay for it being friday tomorrow.

not that i need the break, i've been doing a lot of skipping college this week. not that i skipped class, but i have three classes a day at the most. and usually i just have one or two. but, the thought of friday just loads me up with smiles.

i skipped most of today, with nicole and marilyn. we went shopping again, and the last bit of money i had dwindled away before my eyes. i miss my money. but i got more aromatherapy oils and a nice baby tee. and we went out for lunch. i have to stop with all the eating out, else i'll get all sick. i'm surprised though, because i haven't been sick for three months now, and for me, that's pretty much an all-time record. this new diet has done more than wonders. it's practically a miracle! mind you, i still have a few kinks to get worked out, but i'm going to see a nutritionist to figure out a balanced diet. i admit i'm getting next to no protein these days, and that has to change. my little muscles are wasting away!

this afternoon i went back to college, and had lots of time with my chemistry instructor. there was only marilyn, lori and me there, so we pretty much all goofed off the whole afternoon. i did manage to write one of my tests in between though, and i got an 83%. pretty good for not really studying until two minutes before the test. i'm going to take my final tomorrow, which leaves me with three more courses to get done in the next four weeks. it's murder i tell you! haha... but, our instructor has given up all hope on all the other people in my chemistry class, and knows that i'm the only one that can finish the course. i give myself props for that! and i do keep him on his toes. today, after i asked him a question about some structural diagram configurations, he told me that i ask great questions, even ones no one has even asked before. yay me!

i had a little nap after i got home from school. it was pretty satisfying, even though it was the kind that you can wake up to a whisper. but i needed to re-charge.

i got up and made a new food discovery. i was deep frying egg roll covers to make some crispy wontons (you have to try them sometime!), and i threw in some of the left-over spaghetti noodles. they were awesome! and a great way to get rid of left-overs. my brain's been working overtime lately!

anyway, i wanna get to bed before midnight for once (i probably won't get to sleep until at least 2 a.m., knowing me). plus, i have to clip my fingernails. never any free time for me...

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