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nicole's here, yay!
Saturday, Nov. 10, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

i'm really tired and have to go to sleep soon, because i'm going to the market in the morning, period.

besides, nicole's here, and i wanna get some quality time with her. yup, she came!!! which is nice because she has to drive nearly three hours to get here, and she has a lot of homework but she came anyway. and that's just part of my happy day.

justin called me tonight!!!! i was smiling all night, i swear. he hadn't called in weeks, and i'd practically given up on him. i thought he'd gone and went with hollie, and forgot about me. he wasn't calling me, or answering my e-mails. but he couldn't because he's been moving into a new house all this time! i don't even know how long we were talking on the phone, it was so good to hear his voice, it was music to my ears. i didn't realize how much i missed him until then!

lisa-marie also called me, and explained more about the whole situation of her sister being pregnant and all. she's 4-6 weeks along, her mother cried when she found out. and brad (the father) is "tickled pink" as lisa-marie puts it. i still don't believe he should be a father. of course this could straighten him out, but i'd rather stick to my own opinions. yes, call me stubborn.

marilyn also called, and i was getting annoyed because i'd been cleaning, and i mean cleaning my place, and i got pulld away from cleaning 3-4 times. i must have spent about six hours cleaning? i don't know, but it smells really nice in here, and has the look to boot. i moved things around a bit, and came to the realization that my living room can't really be re-organized because the furniture doesn't look right any other way.

but anyway, nicole got here around 9:30, and we just talked the whole night. we picked up marilyn, then katie at bingo... drove around, went to 7-11 for some junk food and tried to get shrek but they said there was a form i had to fill out. and then a 24 hour wait period for approval... to rent a movie, no thanks!

so we just came home and watched a movie on superstation, had fun with my foot spa, and ate home-made brownies. and stuff. nicole and her son are sleeping in the spare rooms, and i'm huddle over my laptop, fighting sleep.

now i just want to sleep and be thankful for life. my dad left me a message on my machine tonight... "hi mar (one of my nicknames), we forgot to call and were late, but we love you anyway, i'll call you again soon, i love you, bye!" or something. i love him. i'm such a daddy's girl.

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