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going crazy again
Thursday, Nov. 08, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

what a BORING night. i've been going crazy.

i went to class today, and two of my three classes were pretty empty, due to the long weekend i guess. so for that, we got a bit of leeway, which was good for me as i had no attention span today anyway. i mean i was literally nodding off in native studies!

when classes were out, i went to the mall with melissa and peggy. i didn't really get to look around because melissa went to get her hair cut and that was it. i asked about getting my hair bleached, and they wanted 100 bucks. 100 freaking bucks! i'm sorry but you can shoot me before i pay that much to get my hair lightened. i'd rather go and pour a bottle of javex over my head! of course i won't do that, but i'm stumped as how i'm going to get my stubborn hair to go light.

they dropped me off at home, and i spent most of my time on the phone. and going crazy with boredom. i was supposed to go to see joy ride with andrea, but she backed out saying she had plans made with someone else and she had forgotten. whatever. i hate it when i make plans and they get cancelled though, especially when i turn down other people because of that. grr.

i know i had a lot to talk about, but i'm just too utterly tired to care. and it's the weekend, so there.

i wish i had a pull-out couch, so i could camp out in front of the t.v. i mean i never watch it but i have this urge to fall asleep watching t.v. i think i grew up doing that, and i'm homesick (but don't tell anyone i said that okay? hehe).

and, yeah. i'm going to plant myself in the couch now.

i hope nicole comes here tomorrow.

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