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crap windstorm
Wednesday, Nov. 07, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

i got an a on my humanities mid-term!!!!!!! now, with that out of the way, i can go on...

i didn't get to sleep until like 4 a.m. last night. i swear i'm really going to have to work myself into a schedule before i turn into my old, sickly self. i don't want to be sickly again, nooo...

so, i ended up having to take a cab to school. i really can't afford it, especially with the canadian dollar going to crap like it is. so i made it to class, and melissa wasn't there. grr. actually, there were only 10 of us there, including me. everyone thought that we did bad on our mid-terms and figured if they didn't go to class, they could avoid their marks. well, they did it for two days anyway!

our prof came in, and told us we did great on our exams. four people failed, four people got a's, and most everyone else got b's. she passed them back, and my heart was pounding and i didn't want it back. i REALLY thought i'd failed! or did really bad. she also gave me melissa's exam. she must think we're a couple, since she didn't go to someone and say "here's so-and-so's exam".... oh well! so, i looked at my mark, and it took sooo long to sink in. then i freaked! i'm soooo proud of myself, considering i bullshit my way through the whole thing.

then she asked what we wanted to work on, considering we only have nine classes left. woo. then she let us out 20 minutes early, our class is only 50 minutes long to begin with. i love her! ha.

so i went to the mall from there, and got the (hopefully) last of my christmas presents. now to shop for me! i got myself more groceries, then died in the freezing cold winds for the bus. the bus stop shelter collapsed from the wind! damn wind storms... i saw a knocked-over telephone pole on my bus route, and even i nearly blew away in the wind on the way home.

i've been cleaning and doing housework all night... it's been so damn exciting. i also got the nerve to call my birth mother, it was very very very uncomfortable and at least this time she didn't pester me to spend my holdiays with her. whew. i also called nicole, and dad called me. i love my dad.

but i'm extremely bored and want to put in my new tongue ring, so i'll end your misery.

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