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another survey thingy
Tuesday, Nov. 06, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

whenever i see surveys, i just have to fill them out. so here's one from hoebag's diary.

I see: my laptop, a glass, and my cordless phone.

I need: to finish my native studies book so i can write the paper that's due next tuesday.

I find: that almost nothing in life is constant.

I want: to get my digital pics online, grr...

I wish: there was actually time to do everything.

I hate: not getting enough sleep, among other things.

I miss: my dad.

I fear: being alone.

I feel: oh so tired.

I hear: cruisin' by huey lewis and gwyneth paltrow.

I smell: nothing.

I crave: strawberries.

I search: all the time.

I wonder: if anything i'm doing has a purpose.

I regret: a lot, nothing, everything... i don't know, everything happens for a reason.

When was the last time you...

Smiled?: i'm figuring i smiled while i've been on the phone.

Laughed?: on the phone tonight.

Cried?: a few weeks ago, you'll find it in my diary somewhere.

Bought something?: today, i bought a new tongue ring and two new balls for it.

Danced?: sometime recently...

Was sarcastic?: when aren't i sarcastic?

Kissed someone?: damn... a long time ago.

Talked to an ex?: the end of august.

Watched your favorite movie?: a few weeks ago.

Had a nightmare?: last week.

What was the...

Last book you read?: i seriously can't remember, my poor little brain. i've started catcher in the rye again though.

Last movie you saw?: riding in cars with boys.

Last thing you had to drink?: water.

Last time you showered?: 11:00 this morning.

Last thing you ate?: 1/3 of a tub of mookacchino ice cream, it was worth it too.

Do you...

Smoke?: nuh-uh.

Do drugs?: no no no.

Have sex?: nope.

Sleep with stuffed animals?: my teddy bear.

Live in the moment?: it's all i live for.

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: neither.

Have a dream that keeps coming back?: never did.

Play an instrument?: i played the flute once upon a time.

Remember your first love?: well, at the time it was, but never turned out to be love at all.

Still love him/her?: nope.

Read the newspaper?: sometimes.

Have any gay or lesbian friends?: does it matter? btw, yes i do.

Believe in miracles?: not sure.

Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: it could happen...

Consider yourself tolerant of others?: not really, i'm quite obsessive.

Consider love a mistake?: i'll have to get back to you on that one...

Like the taste of alcohol?: yuck.

Have a favorite candy?: no.

Believe in astrology?: to some extent.

Believe in magic?: nope.

Believe in God?: i don't believe in organzied religion, but i'm not atheist either.

Pray?: no.

Go to church?: never.

Have any secrets?: everyone has secrets!

Have any pets?: here, i have a fish. in my hometown, i have two dogs. i used to have a few snails too but they ran away.

Go to or been to college?: went to college last year and currently in university.

Talk to strangers who instant message you?: strangers don't im me. i wouldn't have the patience anyway, i'm bad that way.

Wear hats?: once in a blue moon.

Have any piercings?: ten in my ears, my bellybutton, and my tongue.

Have any tattoos?: not yet!

Hate yourself?: not myself as a person, but some of my habits, views, etc.

Have an obsession?: my whole life. to name a few... my cleaning habits, routines, a certain girl at my university, music, sleep, etc.

Collect anything?: not so much anymore... i think all i really collect anymore are milk ads.

Have a best friend?: i have a few best friends... melissa, lisa-marie, nicole, marilyn.

Wish on stars?: nope.

Like your handwriting?: i hate it!

Have any bad habits?: going through routines, cracking all my joints (i.e. knuckles, hips, knees, even my neck), procrastinating, chewing on my tongue ring and annoying the hell out of everyone with it, forgetting things, and many more...

Care about looks?: nope, of course i do to some tiny extent but that's only when i'm checking people out, hehe...

Believe in witches?: nope...

Believe in ghosts?: no, but i always get freaked when i'm alone and my imagination gets the better of me. dammit.

sorry that was so boring, but i need sleep. sleep.

I'm wearing:
I'm listening to:
I'm thinking:

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