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got the axe
Tuesday, Nov. 06, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

i believe melissa when she says that sagittarians should be careful what they wish for.

see, i've been getting pretty lonely at the apartment, just me and my fish live here. so when melissa and peggy dropped me off tonight, i said "i can't wait to move out of here". i came in, and there was a post-it from my landlord on the door. apparently, he wanted to talk to me about my phone plan. i figured marilyn had made a bunch of long distance calls outside the plan hours and i was going to get the shit for it. i tried calling her to tell her off but realized she was at bingo. my mother left me a message to call her, so i called her instead. but hey, long distance was blocked. wtf? so i called my landlord and he came down and explained.

it turns out he can't afford to pay for long distance, so no long distance for me anymore. do you know how much that bites? it was included in my rent package, i'm freaking paying for that plan! grrr.

then he went on to say how he's going to have to give up the house. i wasn't really paying attention, but i think it has something to do with his ex-wife getting it or something. so i got the axe.

and that's what melissa meant by sagittarians being careful what they wish for.

but what's even more ironic is that earlier on today, i took a phone number for a room to rent. how freaky is that? i wasn't planning on moving until at least february!

oh well. i guess i'm going to have to call, see if it's still available and if they can hold it until next month. i paid four hundred dollars for this month, i'm not letting that go to waste.

on a lighter note... i got a new tongue ring today, some people were selling jewelry on campus, and i couldn't resist. it's steel, with a chinese/japanese symbol in it. the guy didn't remember what it meant but it looked really nice so i got it anyway, along with two extra balls.

my native studies prof didn't show up today, so i went to school for nothing. grrr.

and oh yeah, i forgot to mention last night... lisa-marie left me a message over the weekend. it turns out that her sister is pregnant. and guess who the father is? one of my ex-boyfriends. talk about weird. they really shouldn't let him become a father, that's just awful. and i'll leave it at that.

now, i'm going to try and get through to my dad on his calling card. i miss my long distance already *sniffs*

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