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Can I strangle him?
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

I actually saw myself on Gilmore girls tonight; I mean, not really me, but Rory and I, we're not very pleased with the male population right now. Hold on, I'm hungry and need to hunt down a snack... I never thought I'd see the day that I voluntarily turn down cookies, which my dad seems to bring home every second day and plant in my room. Does he think I'm starving myself to death? Does he know that I do eat junk, but only if I'm in the mood for it? It took me two months to finish a box of cookies (which my dog helped me out with)... does he know I have a bag of crispers in my room from last JULY? I'm not a junk food person anymore! I found myself an orange, though I actually would have preferred some carrot sticks which I was too lazy to peel and cut. Anyway, I kind of went on a tangent there. Gilmore girls. Rory and Jess have a communication problem; Justin and I have a communication problem. Does she enjoy the fact that he goes off on his own and fails to inform her of it? I don't either. At least he got them tickets to the Distillers. The lucky bitch got to see Brody! Well, I was supposed to go over to Justin's last night. I did various chores around the house, ate a storebought pizza sub (that's never happening again), had a bath, watched fear factor, and then called Justin to tell him I was coming over. His father informed me that he was out at pool league. I was kinda pissed that he didn't call first but went on doing my own thing. I got on the internet today to find this from him and no matter how gag-inducing it was (flowers, hearts?), I found it sweet. He came online and he actually frikkin apologized for being out at pool! Someone got sick and he had to fill in. He wanted me to come over again tonight... fine, I'd go out there, what do I have to lose right? He wanted me over at 7:00, and I told him "you know I hate schedules, I'll call you when I'm ready". I called him right after Gilmore Girls and his mother told me he wasn't home. Can I pull my hair out? Too bad it's so cold out... I wanted to shave my head in 11th grade and it was winter then too. Does this boy have no patience?!?! Anyway, having cable internet, I left my MSN on. I had some Mexican pizza (why don't they just call it flat tacos?) and talked with my dad. My brother came home from air cadets (Miranda's missing again, who saw that coming?), and I wrestled around with him. He should know by now that I always win! I watched the news with my dad, switched to real tv as a kid got hit by a car (I felt that one, kid!), and then came back on here. What do I see but an IM from Justin! All it said was, "you never called", but he was offline. Can I strangle this boy? Why do I always attract idiots? Seriously! If I could imagine where the majority of my exes' lives are at right now: Jesse and James (I just HAVE to laugh at that) are probably in jail, Brad and Daniel are raising their pre-marital families with one of my best friends and her little sister, Justin doesn't have the slightest clue what the hell he wants in life, and the others are actually still in university getting their degrees. I mean, they have to be fucked up to be doing so well! Call me cynical, I don't care. I'd probably go back out with half of them if I had the chance, is that sad? When James (Jamie) asked me back, I said no to him because he was a 19 year-old drunk that had a part in Lisa-Marie and I getting kicked out of our apartment two weeks after we moved in. He didn't go to school, didn't have a job, and I couldn't even breathe on his neck without him getting ticklish. Okay, that last one made me giggle because he was so damn ticklish, but yeah. I cut it off with Jesse because he was also into a lot of shit... he stole cartons of cigarettes and would stuff packs of them in my bra when we were with friends, he always got in trouble with the law, he raped me, threatened to take me out of the province with him if I was pregnant (thank God I wasn't)... and then he started stalking me when I told him not to talk to me anymore. I can't expose myself to all this shit and put up with it just to feel wanted. Am I wrong for having high standards? Geez.

It just blows my mind to think I'd almost be halfways into my pregnancy by now... does it really go by that fast? I guess the last three weeks or so are just plain torture, but I'm used to that. Kala's gonna crochet a blanket and send it to me for Brayden; she was going to make one for him in the first place and she still wants to do it. That girl is a serious form of awesome, she wants me to be her children's godmommy whenever they're born. Of course we'd have to live closer together for that, since we have a five-hour time difference between us. Don't worry, we'll figure something out! She disappointed me though because she said I have a cute accent, and that I say "about" like "aboot". I do not! Well, at least I don't say "eh" as opposed to a certain American I know *cough* Annie *cough*

I'm bored. Someone come online and keep me company. Otherwise I'm just going to bed. I just remembered tomorrow's garbage day, gotta go gather me some rubbish!

And I realized something in the tub this evening; I'm a frikkin Valley Girl! Well, only in the literal sense, I live in a valley. I still find it funny.

I'm wearing: Hoodie jacket, *Ask me if I care* tee, stretchy flares, black socks, butterfly slippers
I'm listening to: Miserable *Lit*
I'm thinking: grrrr, MALES

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