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there's no place like home...
Wednesday, Apr. 17, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

jesus do my eyes hurt. and my throat feels like sandpaper. and my leg muscles are crying. and i just want to ignore all my work and take a nap.

ha, how was that for an opening? but really, i think i caught the flu while i was out gallabanting in the cold pouring rain. and one day before my exams. whee.

i don't think there's any possible way for me to get everything done before i leave... i have to write my papers, study for my exams (and then go and write them), see my lawyer, exchange my stereo, get some last minute shopping done, get my money and stuff back from about a gazillion people, sort and then *cross fingers* pack my stuff, get a few deposits back from the school, take craploads of pictures, and be ready to leave in 6.5 days. ouch.

i'm getting a bit antsy about everything though. i've been waiting so long for this time to come and now i don't want to leave. yes, i'm going home to my dad and my baby of a dog, but that's the extent of it all. i'll be going home to a poverty-induced crap house, to a pair of crazy abusive siblings who will be CONSTANTLY fighting and yelling and forcing me to clean up after their dogly asses and feed them real food... my "mother" will occasionally come to town to get away from her abusive boyfriend only to stay at my house and be abusive towards us. my dad will bottle his feelings up and then blow up at us kids instead of yelling at my mother when she pisses him off... i'll end up working another shit job, and pray for september when i get to come back here.

but i guess that's what friends are for right? i'll stay home as little as possible to keep my sanity. and hopefully i'll smarten up in the process too. i can't abuse my education next year like i've done all along. not that i wanted to, but with all the shit that was going on in my life, it seemed so much easier to steer off track.

anyway, i have a study guide and anthro paper to work on, so you probably won't be seeing much of me until i go back to labrador.

goddamn throat...

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