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university woes
Marie is The current mood of at

oooh, i hate it when you hit the backspace button, and it sends your browser backwards and you lose your whole diary entry... i really need a break from this whole week.

yesterday i managed to spend the whole day away from my house. i went out with nicole and marilyn, and we went out for dinner. it was relaxing. i also took advantage of the cd-r sale at the computer store. only 99 cents each! we rented vertical limit, and i didn't get home until 11:00 last night. by then, i was too tired to get online and write a journal entry.

i did a lot of thinking about dalhousie and st. thomas. it was hard trying to pick one over the other, because the pros pretty much balanced with the cons and it got me nowhere. i thought about anything and everything and it confused me even more. so today, i went and talked to someone here at the school. i think hearing it out loud, from another person helped justify all the reasons to go or not go. and i made my decision. i'm going to st. thomas. i know it will be better in the long run, and besides, i have to go to dalhousie in the end anyway. st. thomas doesn't offer programs to get masters degrees. so there, that's settled. so i had to write letters to all three universities that i got accepted to, and tell them why i was or wasn't going. it's hard putting it into words, but bernice said i was a great writer and i had nothing to worry about. so now i just want to relax my brain and have a mellow day.

i got all the university stuff out of the way early this morning, then tutored chemistry until lunchtime. i got into a few more arguments with my mother over lunch (she's still whining about how she had to pay to get my university applications sent out). this period, i'm just going to kick around on the internet, and then go to chemistry and rack my brain over whether i'm ready to take my test or not. probably not, but i'm running out of time. college is completely finished next friday. it's like time just snuck up on me, and now it's slapping me in the face. plus, i haven't heard from the video store yet, so i'm not sure if i should go out and look for another job, or just wait and see if they even give me the job. there's my summer wasted. i mean, yes, i'm getting money for tutoring, and i'm getting a partial tuition re-imbursement from the college. but i need real money. and blah, this week, the problems just don't stop coming.

so guess what? i'm going out partying tonight, screw everything. if that is i'll have the energy to even go out and party. *make a mental note to call the nutritionist yet again*

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