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And the verdict is...
Friday, May. 23, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

Short summary:

I just flew back into town today. Getting away for the week was nice.

I purchased a home pregnancy test and sat in the bathroom utterly shocked as that fucking line got darker and darker.

And now I'm going to go and spend the night with the player of an ex-boyfriend I have (details later) and shift some weight from my shoulders to his. If I never see him again after that, I couldn't give a shit.

I'm pregnant. I've said it out loud once and it still doesn't sound right coming out of my mouth.

There goes my life in New Brunswick.

I'm wearing: Nike tee, embroidered stretch flares, red/white striped socks
I'm listening to: Beat of your heart *Selena*
I'm thinking: Fuck. Me.

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