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where does the time go?
Monday, Dec. 10, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

too bad i have a final in 6.4 hours, or else i'd stay up all night doing nothing in particular, and then sleep in horribly late.

but hey, i have yet to study, so it's all good. i think i'm the queen of procrastination!

i talked to my mother for the first time in months this weekend. it was weird, we didn't argue. i guess time heals all wounds, or at least partially does. to tell you the truth, i didn't mind talking to her at all. she offered me 50 bucks (what it cost me) to take out my tongue ring and let it grow over. no thanks, i love my tongue piercing, it's my friend. just wait until she finds out i've gotten my eyebrow done too, whooo! fun fun.

i wish it would snow. that last snowfall lasted a day, and then it rained and disappeared as quickly as it came. grrr.

i've been making everyone laugh a lot lately, i don't know what's putting me in such a good mood. it could be the semester being over, my birthday coming up, going home for christmas, christmas itself... you KNOW christmas is coming when *a christmas story* comes on t.v. ralphie kicks some serious ass!

it's my birthday on wednesday, i still can't believe it's come so fast. if you wanna be really nice, you can scoot over to my wishlist and get me a pressie. i'll love you forever!

you don't have to though, you can send me an e-card and i'd be just as happy.

i love attention.

i'll apologize in advance if i don't keep up to date on this over the holdiays. well even as of tomorrow, i'm going to be crazy busy once exams start... plus packing, studying, finding a storage place, socializing, the works.

where does the time go?

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