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crazy laughing fits
Monday, Dec. 10, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

i had my first exam this morning. i went to bed around 5 a.m. and intended on getting up again at 7 a.m. peggy came and turned off my alarm for me, then i "got up" and went back to sleep. i woke up at like 8:30 and my exam was at 9 a.m.! melissa and i ended up getting there on time, and i have to say that i did pretty good. i'm not sure if i got an a, but i got at least a *b*. see, i got 3 a's and 2 a-'s on my assignments, and an *a* on the mid-term for that course. what can i say? i have a knack for my own writing style!

the rest of the day was spent pigging out. i had this massive craving for pancakes, so melissa and i went to the store, and in addition to buying pancake mix and syrup, i got: an individual ice cream (and one for melissa too), a big tub of ice cream, about five chocolate bars, two bags of chips, 7-up, banana bread, cinnamon buns, apples (red AND green), oranges, and whatever else i could get my paws on. i swear melissa transferred her pms over to me!

i also did something completely vile today... i said "eh". i realized what was going on as it came out of my mouth and i could have slapped myself! it's one of the very few times i've ever said it, and it sounded horrible.

so when we got home, i made pancakes and we vegged out in front of the t.v. it was heaven. later on this evening, i went into a crazy fit and laughed continuously until my sides and stomach ached. i think it was the 7-up that did me in, carbonated drinks are the devil's incarnate. or something, hehe...

and nicole, i know you've been reading this, i can track you down and hunt you like a dog. stop reading this dammit! this is for internet people, not my friends! okay, it's not like i talk about you in a bad way, but that's like an invasion of my privacy. stop it! haha.

now that i've gotten that out of the way... i should go to bed at a decent time tonight, i have another exam tomorrow morning, and i HAVE to study for this one. so, i have to start studying.

hey, it's my birthday in 24 hours, send me some loving!

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