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on weatherhold
Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

i am so unbelievably tired right now... i'm sitting here almost not blinking at all, and my mouth is practically on my lap. blah.

but, my plane's on weatherhold, and i'm not even sure if i'll leave at all today. suits me! i wasn't ready to go anyway. and now, you know why i won't be updating until new year's, or even later.

so how was my christmas? it was just like any other day. i didn't get to sleep until 5 a.m. or so on christmas eve, since i was up helping my dad out with odds and ends, and wasting time on the internet. my brother and sister finally forced me up around noon so they could open their presents. it's a tradition in our family that we open our presents together. they must have been pissed at me for making them wait so long! no one really got much this year, because money has been really tight. i'd say all of our presents together, for five people and two dogs, was somewhere around 900 bucks. combined. i really hate our economy. it's not that i didn't really want much. i just don't understand why a family of five gets to spend 900 dollars, and my boyfriend alone got $1600 cash, and $2000 worth of clothes. grr. our world is screwed, seriously.

once the presents were opened, my dad made us omlettes, and i made a bunch of christmas phone calls. i began to feel really sick again, so i just went back to sleep until 6 p.m. my family was gone out visiting by the time i woke up, so i took a long bath, and talked on the phone.

by 9 p.m. i finally made christmas dinner. egg rolls, stir fry, and rice. all vegetarian of course. and very yummy too, i'm such the cook.

and then, the rest of the night was spent at justin's. i didn't even leave his house until after 4 a.m., when i came back here, took a quick bath, and threw some clothes into my suitcase, just in time to rush to the airport.

and now i'm on weatherhold. i need sleep, but i want to burn a cd before i leave (if i leave at all), and do some laundry.

and my dad's making me a bagel and scrambled eggs, because i'm such a daddy's girl.

promise you'll miss me.

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