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what happened to your head?
Tuesday, Jun. 18, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

don't you hate it when you plan out what you're gonna write in your diary and then you get on the computer and forget it all? .... well screw you, it happens to me all the time. heh.

anyway, it's official: my sister can't cook for shit. i figured i'd let her cook a simple spaghetti unattended... i was falling asleep under some blankets on the couch, half-frozen. so, she's asking me questions while she's cooking: "are the mushrooms cooked enough? the water's boiling, do i turn it down now? do i put the sauce in?" blah, blah, blah... and i was telling her how high the burners had to be turned on and all. she was finished the sauce and *oh shit* she forgot to put the onions in... i told her to fry them seperately and add them to the sauce later. she half-burned them, and it was still mostly raw when i tried it. the noodles were awful. i wanted to cringe, but i managed to get a full serving down. i should go and eat some salad though, my throat is all scratchy from the spaghetti.

and i've developed a flinch/cringe when i hear the front door opening... those damn kids never fail to slam it shut with all their weight, dozens of times every day. i'm always trying to tell them not to slam doors, but everything goes in one ear and out the other. i swear, they're going to be the death of me.

on the happy side, i had my very last treatment on my shoulder today! i got there in zombie-state, as i only had 3.5/4 hours of sleep. tracey was moving my shoulder around and there was NO resistance (except the backwards motion)! it's still stiff when i try to reach behind my back, but otherwise i'm cured... though i still have to get the strength in my arm back. i was leaving the office and told meghan (the receptionist) that i was finished (yay!). she said that i was lucky and to have a good summer, blah, blah, blah. i was sort of sad leaving there, if you could even imagine that. i still can't believe tracey made my shoulder work again!

grrr, i feel so boring today. but i got my angie dvd's today!!!! i also got four other dvd's that i forgot i'd ordered, so i'm a happy camper. i want to watch gia, but my brother (and probably the whole family) would be uncomfortable watching steamy lesbian scenes. damn them, i need me some angelina. i've become pretty bored with keeping my little crushes hidden. i don't bother hiding my angelina wallpaper from my family anymore, and i still have to stick my angie pictures up on my walls... i'm gonna find a good place for the one with her in her undies, but i don't think i should put any wet-shirt pictures up just yet.

we went to my brother's graduation today. i wouldn't exactly call it a graduation... he's going to be in the same school next year, it's just a transition from 6th to 7th grade. there were no decorations up, they weren't dressed in anything special, the get-together didn't last much longer than an hour. as soon as we all sat down, i told my sister that dad would be falling asleep... he never fails. we had a few laughs watching him jerk awake. so when it was getting kinda chatty in there, i asked him if he's always going to fall asleep during things like this. he shrugged his shoulders and then i asked him if he was going to fall asleep at my wedding. he snapped awake and asked "when are you going to get married?!?" i told him not for a very very very very very very long time, and he relaxed again. he's gonna be so careful giving away his little girl, i know it.

we went for refreshments afterwards, and i sat near my brother's biological brother (we're all adopted). he asked who i was, and i was like, "it's marie, duh! remember... dan, dan, the funny old man?" (it was a little rhyme i used to say to him to piss him off when he was younger). then he looked kind of shocked, and asked, "what happened to your head?" haha, haven't heard that one before. then he asked what happened to my lip and for fun, i told him i was in a fishing accident. okay, i stole that from bif but it sounded great for the situation.

okay, my brain's not working anymore. i'm going to bring the dvd player in here so i can get my angie fix.


I'm wearing: baby blue hoodie, flared stretch denim jeans, "chicky" and star socks
I'm listening to: lucky *bif naked*
I'm thinking: i'm not cold, wow!

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