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more birthday talk
Thursday, Dec. 13, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

so, it was my birthday today. it was very relaxed, and it kicked ass.

my dad ended up calling me at 6:30 this morning, waking me out of my slumber. i think i told him off for waking me up when i could sleep in, but i can't remember.

i got up around 11:00, and melissa and peggy wished me a happy birthday again. i had pancakes for breakfast, and then i went to a laundromat for the first time ever. they're expensive, it cost me nearly ten bucks to get my laundry washed!

i also got some grocery shopping done, and did a lot of goofing around.

i ended up taking a nap this afternoon, and woke up late.

i've been getting phone calls all day long from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday, and i even got greetings from e-mails and online friends. don't i feel loved?

marilyn wanted me to go to the club with her and get drunk, but i had to remind her that i don't drink. hello! my friends are so forgetful, they always forget that i'm vegetarian. and melissa offered me a cigarette the other day, it was so freaking tempting that i thought about it for a split second before i told myself that it was the stupidest thing i could ever do.

besides, i have to study for my final in the morning. what an exciting birthday.

but hey, i'm not complaining. melissa and peggy got me a little vanilla birthday cake, and a pretty little votive candle kind of thing. they kick ass! and craig said he got me his set of pictures from the bif naked show copied, and he's giving them to me for a present. yay yay yay! i love bif naked. my dad says i'm allowed to get a new winter coat, so i'm psyched. it was supposed to be a christmas present but i'm such a daddy's girl that it's going to be a birthday present so i get something else for christmas.

so, i should get to bed early. my very last final is in eight hours, woo-hoo! i have to get up extra early too, there's a bif naked video on ebay that i REALLY really want and it ends at 8 a.m. it's expensive but i don't care.

marie feels loved.

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