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damn doctors
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i just spent three hours in the e.r. for some semi-rookie guy in a jacket to tell me that tylenol will solve all my problems. hello, my arm has a protruding pin! i freaking yelped in pain when my anthro prof touched my arm (in front of crushgirl, oops). she even freaked me out saying that my bone would heal all wrong and that they might have to cut it to fix it. do NOT say that to me.

then nadine and her friends decided to do the same. it didn't take me long to get my ass to the hospital!

so i skipped native studies and got one of the jens to walk me over. i learned a lot about her, i think we could even be friends.

BUT i'll finish my entry at home... damieon wants to leave campus, and that sounds like a good idea.

besides, my discman just went dead and i need music.

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