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wednesday babble
Wednesday, Feb. 06, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

just because i'm sure you'd love to hear about it, i finally got around to cleaning up background stuff on my diary... re-did the archives page, updated my to-do list, weeded out stuff that i read, oops, the cast list. i'll do that one of these days. i miss diaryland, i wish i could be a faithful daily updater again. i'm trying, i swear!

so i got to the mall and got some of my hair chopped off, and bought more bleach and *insert drum roll* red hair dye. and not fire engine red dye, just auburnish stuff. what will people think of me? one of the salon ladies asked if i was going to dye it green again (fuck off, it's turquoise). i sighed and said that no, i was sick of people staring at me. and i am. i believe in freedom of style, but i don't believe in having people glare at me wherever i go. what's wrong with this world?

justin hasn't called back yet. i'm wondering if it's his lack of free time (he said he has to work every single night until valentine's day, which i believe is bullshit), lack of commitment, or lack of interest. whatever it is, it's pissing me off and i want to know what his problem is. why did i put myself in this situation? i could have declined couple status. i could have told him i KNEW this wasn't going to work. i could have even said yes to it all and worked out some kind of dating agreemet. but no, i had to be stupid and let myself into a monogomous relationship (though i'm pretty sure it's not monogomous on his part). hell, if there was girlfriend potential here, it wouldn't be monogomous on my part either. am i a badass for saying so? blah, my life is always so complicated.

i'm sure i had loads of news to post, but as usual, it's slipped my mind. i do remember that i dreamt about penelope cruz last night though. yum. tom wasn't there, so i had her all to myself. but don't ask me why we went to some weird little flea market-type thing. maybe one of these days, i'm going over to chapters and buying a dream dictionary. they probably suck, but it's all in good fun. i must have spent at least $250 in books there since september, and i've read 0 of them. at least i started a few, so you can't call me hopeless.

man, i'm getting completely bored with myself, so i'll end your misery. go out and treat yourself to a banana split.

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