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and it all comes out...
Friday, Nov. 08, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

idle hands is on right now, so i don't know how much attention i'll be giving to this entry. you know how much i love seth green and all. mmmmmm, seth green... i could just eat that boy.

annie got to see bif last night. she hung around with the whole band, got gillian's personal e-mail, shared a drink with her, got a hug. and the set list! i think i'm gonna have to take my ass down to new york and swipe her stuff. haha. either that, or just wait until bif comes around in my area and produce my own bragging rights. i'm gonna have to wait until riley e-mails me back about future canadian dates though. hopefully i'll get her wrapped around my finger enough to get anything out of her. now THAT'S wishful thinking.

so we got our dog back today. it looked pretty pitiful, our family of four walking down to the vet's office with a big sports bag... then put her in and walked back like that. not to mention it was FREEZING outside and my mitts seemed to vanish from the living room. so she ended up costing us 350 bucks. i swear i wanted to just leave her there and hope for the best. call me cold-hearted, but i never liked that dog in the first place. i guess there's only enough room in my heart for my baby, and i love him so much it seems impossible to share that love with any other dog. heh, that sounds stupid. i told you seth would take away from my attention.

oh, my computer's all better again! it wasn't working, and then it just... was. so i can keep it out of the shop no matter how much it pisses me off. and dad's considering cable internet which means i won't need a new modem. of course i'll lose my phone line, but i'm not going to shed any tears over it. whoever said i was one for the phone anyway?

i miss damieon. he wants to quit school after christmas so this means i probably won't ever get to hang around with him again besides a few days over christmas break. could he actually let this happen? we're so inseperable! i don't think my life would be the same without him. of course i would be a lot less stressed out in the long run, but we belong together.

so yeah, i guess this is the time that i muster up the guts to share my little crisis i've been stressed over... damieon and i have been talking it out over the phone a lot the past few days and he really doesn't have the same views as me and i just wanna slap him across the head. but. we could be having a baby. i didn't think it could ever happen to me at the time, to us. but it's been over a week now and i've had a few symptoms which kind of freaked me out. i wasn't even worried until i got sick and stuff. so right now i'm just waiting for aunt flo and trying not to have a mental breakdown in the meantime. damieon's said a lot of things which have pissed me off, but the first thing i DID was talk him out of making me get an abortion if i am indeed pregnant. and now he WANTS to be a father which in itself is causing a lot of problems on both ends. if i can go another 4-5 days until i can get a pregnancy test done, i'll be quite relieved/worried. if any of you guys would love to help keep whatever sanity i have left, feel free to e-mail me or whatever.

but yeah, i'm sick of typing.

I'm wearing: long-sleeved tee, flared jeans, butterfly socks
I'm listening to: idle hands
I'm thinking: my lip ring needs to be cleaned

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