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It's all hormones
Friday, Jun. 13, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

Oh look, it's Friday the 13th... oh look, I don't even care.

Guess who got a job? The centre called and woke me up this morning so I wasn't really taking any of it in but I start work on the 30th, after I've completed their first aid course and gotten a letter of conduct. Frikkin' legal documents, I hate them. And, if I hadn't have gotten the job I would've been PISSED; I took my lip ring out for the interview and miss it more than anything. I guess it'll be good for my baby to have a mother lacking many pieces of metal sticking off her head though. I'm gonna be working for the military... I hope I don't find myself unleashed into mounds of information I'd rather be completely ignorant of. I really am a very paranoid girl in a very conspiracal frame of mind. Did I spell that right?

My dad can be such a dork sometimes. See, a few years ago, he was really into picking his own mushrooms. He picked a bad batch one time and poisoned the whole family (minus my sister and I because we never trusted him) and they ended up in the hospital overnight. Today, he finally found the courage to pick some mushrooms that mysteriously popped up in our garden. They're morels, very much a delicacy if I stand correctly. Of course, there are poisonous mushrooms that look like morels... my dad had no idea where his mushroom guide was so he picked and cooked them anyway. He gave me instructions that if he got poisoned that I go to the hospital with him and show them what he ate. I mean, who does that?!? They turned out to be fine, but sometimes I question his everyday decisions and how he must have endangered me innumerous times throughout the course of my life. Still, all I can do is laugh at him.

I think I've officially gone diaper-crazy for "Bean"... I keep referring to the baby as Liam, convinced that I'm having a boy and this will be his name. Not that I wouldn't be just as happy with a girl but I just love little boys. Anyway, this is what I've purchased for Bean so far:

Two dozen chinese prefolds, infant-sized
Wool cover/soaker, newborn-sized
Four Motherease fitted diapers, size small
Four (two prints, two white) Bummis Super Industrial Whisper Wraps, newborn-sized
Two Prints Bummis Super Industrial Whisper Wraps, size small
Ten fitted Kissaluvs colors, size 0
Twelve Fuzzibunz fleece doublers

And this is just the beginning of my obsession, just wait until I actually have money *evil grin* My baby's bum will never know a disposable diaper, yay me.

I feel so FAT. I'm in a pair of my average-range stretch jeans and I can hardly breathe in them. I'm too scared to weigh myself, it's that bad. I might be pulling my maternity jeans out of the closet earlier than I'd planned. What the hell am I going to dress myself in if I'm growing out of all my clothes?! Ugh. Only 32.5 more weeks of this... short experience my ass.

You know this is all hormones talking right? I must sound like a broken record, always bitching about being tired and moody, but that's what I am... tired and moody.

I need some sleep.

I'm wearing: Save Ferris tank top, stretch flares, cow socks
I'm listening to: I'm not sure actually
I'm thinking: My eyes sting like a bitch

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