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Oh, the heat!
Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

I have officially come to the conclusion that I hate actual summer weather. I guess that's what happens when the seasons here are winter, still winter, a break from winter, and then almost winter again. Heh.

The job people called me today asking for references... they'll be calling tomorrow whether or not I get the job. In a way, I hope I don't get it. I know I've been bitching about being tired all the time, but it really is starting to take over my personality.

My family and I went for a picnic on the beach yesterday evening. In the end I wish we hadn't even gone. Before we even went, my dad nearly backed into a car and I couldn't ease up for the longest time afterwards. It was almost like the time when I was in Switzerland and almost got hit by a speeding train. Maybe my nerves aren't so tolerate anymore, it seems like everything makes me edgy. Anyway, we got to the "beach" which had hardly any shore to walk on. It was freezing and there were somewhat-fresh moose tracks all around and I was scared that we were going to get attacked. But I guess there's something nice about biting into hotdogs that are dusted with sand. The mosquitoes are out now and I got bitten three times which have turned into sore, red, hard, big lumps. I hate being allergic. I remember when I graduated high school I had a mosquito bite on my collarbone that had gotten infected and everyone thought it was a hickey.

I can't believe I'm already 7 weeks pregnant. I have my first prenatal on Monday and I'm getting antsy for an first ultrasound. Maybe then I'll believe that there's actually a baby inside me and it'll ease my nerves to know that said baby is doing fine. I haven't officially gotten morning sickness yet but I'm sure there's still time for that... I'm feeling queazy enough right now to head off to the bathroom. It's almost time for me to retire my non-stretch size 7 jeans/shorts and I just want to cry. I think the biggest jeans I have are like a size 9, which fit more like a 7. What the hell am I going to do when I grow out of those? I hate shopping for clothes, I really do.

I was talking to Justin on MSN tonight, it was quite the conversation. He claims to be in Beijing right now, but I'd almost bet on my dad's life that he's full of shit. I asked what time it was out there and he said he couldn't figure out how to tell time out there yet. What a loser. Eventually he gave me an answer which was like an hour off so I started grilling him. This boy is not going to try and make himself a ghost. He went on to say that I should still have an abortion... and then announced that he'd gotten Bean's stroller and that I'd better use it because it cost him $300. I was getting pissed by then. I was like, "What the hell are you buying a stroller for when you'll end up having to ship it anyway? How stupid is that?!" I told him to return it and he said he'd only get back half his money. After much grilling he said he'd just sell it... I had to convince him that I wanted the stroller system that *I* picked out. It's also $300, but comes with a carseat and shipping is free. He kept saying that I was making him feel like shit, when he was the one being ignorant through the whole conversation. I felt like asking him if he was the pregnant one with all his mood swings but I was having enough fun with him already. He said he's getting a cellphone for me to call him on, a Canadian number. I mean, how stupid is he? I hope the baby gets my smarts and not his.

I think I'm going through a writer's block phase again. Or maybe I just don't want to write anymore. Either way, this is becoming a chore.

I'm wearing: Summer pj set
I'm listening to: Russian version of All the things she said *t.a.T.u.*
I'm thinking: I'm going to suffocate in this house!

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