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always something going on
Wednesday, Jul. 31, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i really wish i could just sit here and catch up on everyone's diaries and write a proper entry and check for new bif updates and e-mail my friends back... but alas, it's 10:00 (only 1:00 on the west coast of canada) and i have yet to unpack and get ready for bed.

it took 11 hours to get to germany, and then the next day was the wedding. the wedding was TEN hours, people. european weddings are crazy! i was super busy afterwards with family, and then on monday, i drove 6 hours to another part of germany and stayed with my awful aunt for two days. i got up this morning at 6:45 for the 12 hour drive back here to switzerland.

and now i have the internet again! only... i got spoiled with cable internet at carina's and now dial-up seems so... slow.

i have yet to settle in here, it's another new place (with my kick-ass uncle). tomorrow is swiss confederation day, and being a swiss girl (i have double citizenship... not offically *yet*, but i AM swiss because my dad is swiss) i have to participate and eat far too much and watch fireworks and have more fun.

i've taken lots of pictures and will take lots more. if i'm lucky, most of them have turned out great... but my laptop battery's dead right now and i don't have a converter for the swiss electric socket yet.

don't fret, i'll get settled, eventually. still no promises of daily updates though.

blah, always something going on.

I'm wearing: lacey *girly* top, faded stretchy flares
I'm listening to: nothing, really
I'm thinking: i wish i had more time on here...

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