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Monday, Sept. 10, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

man, i can't believe i have to start getting up at 5:30 every morning to catch the bus. blah. anyone wanna switch places with me? didn't think so.

but i got everything straightened out with university today. my german even worked itself out! woooo. i also got three of my books today. they were softcover, and cost me 150 bucks. how crazy is that? ugh. i still have to get my books for philosophy, native studies, and humanities. and then next semester's books. but. i'm going to chapters to find myself a job soon. i'm not exactly sure right now which mall that sears is in... but it'd be cool if it was in the same mall as chapters, cause then andrea and i would be working in the same place. yes, i'm a dork. pssst, i think i'm getting a crush on her. oops. too bad she's straight. she didn't even come home last night. i stayed up until 2 a.m. waiting for her, but i had to get up at 6 a.m. so i went to sleep, and kept my door open just in case. she didn't come home, and i was worried sick about her! i thought the rugby team raped and murdered her or something. i called their hotel room around 7 a.m. and they said she was on her way home. and she came home. whew. but she was really hung over, and complained about waking up and her pants being in a bucket of ice water. don't even ask.

man, i'm sick of typing. maybe i'll update you tomorrow. i've got so much to say!


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