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another short update
Tuesday, Jul. 16, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i really, REALLY have to pee but i'm actually allowed on the internet and i don't want to waste any of my precious time. i've already used over half an hour writing an e-mail to my funding agency trying to bitch them out in a non-discreet way... i would have LOVED to bite into their goddamn necks.


i'm not sure how much longer i'll be at this family's place... maybe a few more days and then i take a train by myself (over 8 hours, yikes!), and then i get to stay with mv most favorite uncle in the whole wide world. and he doesn't care HOW much i use their internet account, so maye i can do a bit of catching up over there. the bad news? i don't think my "diskonkey" will work on anyone's computer because the computer only picks it up with windows 2000 or higher. and no one has it. if i'm feeling REALLY nice, i'll re-type my enormously big entires on my uncle's computer for you as time permits... but no promises! otherwise, you'll have to wait until i get back to canada for proper entries.

bif was on muchondemand yesterday, i was quite depressed that i couldn't watch it. BUT i got my sister to tape it, so i'll see it, in time. instead, i had a dream of my OWN version of the show. and we were at a pool party, and she flirted with me and then told me she'd call me. and she wasn't wearing a shirt, only glitter. yes, i have a lovely imagination.

and for your information, things seem to be getting quite good here. i've been "chumming" with my aunt, and we have fun together. one night, we talked for at least an hour straight about all kinds of stuff, and i love her yet again. my uncle gets back on thursday, so i think i'll leave shortly after that because i don't like him much (past experiences i don't have time to talk about, and when i got here and thought he'd forgotten to pick me up. that was NOT nice).

okay, i think my time's almost up, i have no idea when i'll be able to get online again (it all depends on how much longer i stay here). everyone, e-mail me, i love those!!

and for the loads and loads of you guys that have applied to join my rings... i'm really sorry but i have no time to scope diaries out until i get home in late august. sit tight!

I'm wearing: baby tee, flared cords, butterfly/cloud socks
I'm listening to: the pounding rain, my aunt whistling, family playing triominoes
I'm thinking: why are my cheeks flushed?

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