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bad dreams...
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i REALLY have to stop thinking about this car accident. it's starting to haunt my dreams now, and i only wish it could leave me alone. my last car accident (like i have experience in this crap) didn't affect me nearly as much as this one. i didn't even seem shaken up about it.

what makes this one different? i don't know, probably the whole fact that i was hit from the outside, and i had no one there to comfort me at first. not REALLY. i mean how much comfort can you get from a bunch of strangers who keep saying "you poor thing" like i'm some animal?

i don't know.

all i wanted was to go home and pig out and watch a movie. now look at me.

I'm wearing:
I'm listening to:
I'm thinking:

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