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i hate being sick
Marie is The current mood of at

sorry i haven't been keeping up to date, but i have had other things to deal with.

it turns out my health has seemed to take a dip on me again. my health always has to creep up on me huh? well first off, i started getting this skin problem on my eyelid i had when i was little. then i started getting these pains all throughout my body. if that wasn't bad enough, i caught the stomach flu, cold, cough, all that bad stuff AT THE SAME TIME. then i notice this new mole i got on my tummy, so i thought that was weird, and my stomach pains came back (the docs have not yet figured out what's wrong with that). anyways, i started getting too sick, so i had to go to the hospital, and i couldn't even keep medication down. the doctor was amazed at all this stuff that was wrong with me. so she ran all these tests on me, and so far she knows that i have at least a throat infection (which could be mono) and a few bugs that are going around, and like all the other docs say, a stomach problem. she also wants me to see about getting that mole removed, and wants me to get a scope done. for those of you who don't know what it is, lucky you. they're gonna stick a little camera down my throat and into my stomach, doesn't matter if i gag it up over and over again. besides that, she wants me to start eating, which i cannot help if i'm sick. anyways...

maybe i'll fill you in on everything else some other time, because it's late and i have to get to sleep or else this cough will have me up all night. i hate being sick.

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