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tired is an understatement
Marie is The current mood of at

you know, i have no clue why i'm writing this entry instead of sleeping; i didn't get any sleep last night, and now there's nothing stopping me from getting my rest. but now i figure i should just stay up for the rest of the day and get a GOOD night's sleep for once. i HATE meds.

anyways, i babysat all night. two toddly boys, and a somewhat-new baby girl. it was hell. the 2 year old peed the bed right after i put him down (and he peed before he went to sleep!), and then he cried his ass off for an hour straight cause i wouldn't let him sleep in it. but he wouldn't give up, so i ended up just putting towels over it and putting him there anyways. the baby cried her ass off for no apparent reason than that she was over-tired... i mean, if a baby's tired, why shouldn't it just go to sleep? it's one of the few thing's they're good at! and the 4 year old, was oddly good. i wonder if it was worth the $20? ha, i don't care, it's money. and after getting no sleep, the mother wanted to know if i could baysit them all morning and afternoon. *laughing* is she crazy? i practically have to keep my eyelids open with toothpicks.

i heard the weirdest thing yesterday. i quit my job in december, and now, three months later, they still think i'm on sick leave! =o� but ya know what? i'm going to take advantage of this and go back. they have a few r.p.t's open, and i could use the money. after all, i'm off to europe in may, and i'm gonna wanna come back with four times as much as what i left with! ha. isn't that what vacations are for? but no, i need the money to save up for college, and stuff like that. i also BADLY need a new computer.

it's actually nice out today... i think it might even be over 0�! ha, it's 1� out. maybe the snow will start melting. i REALLY hope so. but the roads are really bad... coated in ice from slush that froze overnight. one of the things i hate most.

but i have a lot to do. don't expect much to be done at my site... i've got a job to get back on track, an overseas trip to plan out, housework to do, and still more. i think i'm going to study for my driver's permit. my old one ran out a few months ago. i really have to stop procrastinating. but if i did, then i wouldn't be marie =o)

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