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Marie is The current mood of at

hmm, seems like this summer is turning into a disaster! i'm not going to put my hopes up for anything ANYMORE when it comes to my family.

so anyways, my mother left about three days ago, and she took my brother and sister. i was SO happy about it! i finally had some free time alone with my dad, and we could finally go on a trip! i was stoked. things were going great, and we had our bond back.

NOPE! my mother has to call today and pick a fight with me over the kids. they're coming back but my mother's taking MORE money from us to do it. i really wish she'd grow up and realize what she's doing to us. i haven't told dad about it yet, we're supposed to be going out to dinner.

so about the trip, we were going to stay outta town, and get there by plane. it turned out that things went wrong and we have no place to stay anymore! so that added problems even BEFORE my mother called...

so i figure i'm not going anywhere after all, and i'm stuck here taking care of my family ALL OVER AGAIN, having NO life, and forced to get a job on top of it... oh i'm just having the GREATEST time...

i mean, you figure with all i'm made to do around here, my dad would agree to let me have a kitten, but noooo...

i was willing to give up my whole summer house-breaking it and keeping up expenses and stuff. HIS excuse was that my dog would get jealous. yeah he would, but i wouldn't forget him! he's my boy, no one could replace him! then he goes on about how cats stink, blah, blah, blah... whatever. he just pisses me off so bad sometimes.

but i should get going, it's the "july 4th" of switzerland and i have this dinner to get to and stuff, sorry there wasn't much to talk about, i'll write more when i have the time!

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