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Wednesday, May. 28, 2003
Marie is The current mood of at

So, the base has been detonating bombs since yesterday; I think my dad said they were old, something that started with an *r* and that they had to be set off. So every now and then, I hear this "pooth" sound in the distance and the house vibrates. It scared the crap outta me last night because I thought our house was going to be invaded by aliens or something. Heh.

I had a few slightly sharp cramps during the past few days, it was enough to freak me out just a little more than usual. I'm not waiting until June 20th to see my doctor dammit, I'm going to end up dropping by the ER just to calm my shifty nerves. It's odd to think that I'll be looking forward to overfilling my bladder and then having someone push down on it. I'm okay, my baby's okay... it's just gotta be okay.

And I'm exhausted, so I'm going to take a nap. But not before I let my poor doggie in and then relieve my bladder.

I'm wearing: Butterfly tanktop, embroidered stretch flares, monkey socks
I'm listening to: Nothing in particular
I'm thinking: I need a nap

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