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been too tired
Thursday, Sept. 20, 2001
Marie is The current mood of at

i wanted to get online last night and waste precious studying time, but by the time i had some time (hehe) i was so tired my eyes hurt.

i didn't spend much time with that kari girl at all yesterday. we basically just went to the library found the first periodical we could that was on the list, photocopied the readings we had to do, and then talked out when we would meet again. but it still took us about an hour. damn library isn't sorted out properly.

i had the 20 pages read from the time i left the university library to the time i got home. see, the buses were all messed up and there was nothing else to do, really...

um, went home and tried to summarize the reading, but gave up after a while and intend on figuring it out with kari this afternoon.

after that, i started working on my pride necklace. took me a good two-three hours to make too. and when i was done, it was too long, so i had to backtrack. then when i put it on, i realized it was way too stiff to work as a necklace, so i'm using it as a wrap-around bracelet. so from today on, i'm a whole different person. or at least that everyone's thinking. i like it. i mean even eddie knows now and i've spent all of a few hours with him, spread out over three different days. he saw it on my wrist in economics this morning, and while we were sat in his group over lunch, i was telling him how our new roommate was probably moving in today. so he asked me "is she cute?" so i guess it's nice to be yourself. not hide behind the wrong identity. i'm still a bit cautious with strangers though. i've aleady had one girl in my anthropology staring at me. not in the way i want her to, mind you!

so i met a bunch of eddie's friends, they're all crazy. half of them talk about being vampires, a lot of them talk about drugs, and the rest are just crazy. but it's nice to be instantly welcomed into a group. plus, jen's gay. she looked at me, and told me i give off good vibes. hehe. she's pretty cool.

i talked to my dad last night, mother's still out of town with her boyfriend. which is a good thing. it doesn't really matter to me since i'm far away, but it's good for my dad, it puts less stress on him. when he answered the phone, he sounded all frustrated, and when he heard my voice, it was like instant sunshine to him. aw, i love him so much. and my dog, he doesn't even care to hear me on the phone anymore. i felt so bad when my dad told me he wasn't interested in my voice anymore... i miss him so much and it's like he's pissed off at me for being away from him!

lisa-marie's moving out here next wednesday. of course she'll be a few hours away, but it's still closer than my hometown! we might even be able to meet somewhere on the weekends.

anyway, i can't pay attention to much at all today, so i'm going to try and find something productive to do. like hide in a corner of the library and sleep.

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