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busy weekend
Marie is The current mood of at

i am oh so tired right now. i got home a little over a half hour ago, i haven't been home all weekend. i wouldn't even be able to remember as far back as friday, that much has been going on. i sort of felt bad leaving my little doggie home, sick and all. but he's getting better, and i think those antibiotics are helping somewhat. i don't even know why i let the vet put him on them, because i am totally against any forms of medication. it's just the thought of him being so sick that he hadn't eaten for days and was throwing up bile. hopefully he won't ever get like that again. anyway...

i never even went home after college on friday, i spent the whole weekend with nicole and marilyn. friday we just basically had fun, and debated whether we should go to the club or not. we didn't. but marilyn kept bugging and bugging, so i gave in (me, who has been to a club all of two times in the past five months i've been 19). we went to maxwell's, the most crowded place in town. of course i got id'd, me and my young looks. marilyn got id'd too, but she didn't have any id, so she had to argue with the bouncer who still wouldn't let her in. she went home, got her student card, and they still wouldn't let her in. nicole and i felt so bad because we got in and she didn't. but we went anyway, and marilyn went home again. we saw jeff there from college, he's so cute! i also had a few guys insisting on buying me drinks, but me being sXe and all, said no. beth came up to me all hysterical, since we haven't seen each other for so long. she made me promise her we would go for one dance, but i didn't want to, and she couldn't find me the rest of the night. yay! there was one really gorgeous boy, if i only had the guts to go up and talk to him. he looked single... why can't i make first moves?! blah. anyway, nicole got the nerve to talk to someone, he was really cute too. he had a dance with her and they chatted. i was so proud of her for making the first move! we left at around 3 a.m., and he was outside waiting for a cab, so we were going to share one, but there would have been too many of us (three of us, and three of them). they invited us over for spaghetti, but once i told them i was vegetarian (no one here makes their sauce meatless), they picked fun at me, so i picked right back. in the end, our cab came first, so we just went home. we thought it was the last time we would ever see those guys, since they're from out of town. but guess what? we saw them today. but before i tell you about that...

we got home, nicole and i. she started getting all pissed off because those guys invited us to their place (a hotel, and no, don't think of it like that), and she said no. i mean, we had them where we wanted them! i dunno, maybe we're just too conventional or something *laughs*. we talked until five in the morning, when all that was on my mind was sleep.

i managed to sleep in until noon, which i felt so guilty for. nicole and i went around riding, and shopping, and getting ready for the barbeque we were having this evening. marilyn was at work until four, when she was planning on just quitting. yay marilyn! anyway, we saw a newtel truck (the company nicole's guy worked for) and she started chasing after it. we gave up after a while, and decided to go and see if marilyn needed a ride home. and i swear, right in the parking lot, were those three guys! it was a complete coincidence! they smiled at us, and i went in to talk to marilyn. i talked with the guys a bit, and then we left. i don't know why we didn't invite them to the barbeque though. stupid, stupid!

so the barbeque turned out great. lots of good food! there were veggie burgers for me (nicole's aunt had to see who i was as she "had never seen a vegetarian before"). there were salads, fresh corn, and saut�ed mushrooms and onions. mmmm! i experimented with the helium balloons and damn did it make everyone laugh. the rest of this evening was spent cleaning everything up, and driving around town having fun. now i'm home, tired as hell, and fighting sleep. why? because i always do.

i'm going to have to end up tutoring tomorrow, and trying to actually find the motivation to do my own work. speaking of work!

i went in to rent a movie the other night, and i was talking to michelle, one of my school friends who works there. i asked her if she knew if anyone was quitting. she said that one of them was actually going to be fired for taking a week's vacation without any notice, on a friday. plus, michelle put in a word to the boss for me, cause she knows i've wanted to work there for ages. no allergies! plus, no rushing around, and i get to watch movies for free the whole time. how could it get any better than that? anyway, i'm floored about it. i don't want to get my hopes up, but it seems like i've basically got the job. keep your fingers crossed for me.

and give props to heather for mentioning me in her diary. ooh, i feel loved! anyway (it's not hard to tell i'm tired when nearly every sentence starts off with that word), i'm tired, and i need sleep. maybe i'll get bored at college tomorrow and fill you in on everything else i failed to mention. but don't count on it, i think i might just "accidentally" sleep in. i should be allowed, i made perfect attendance for may. yay me!

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