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i bid switzerland farewell
Sunday, Aug. 18, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

i feel like such a princess! carina and christoph took me out for a good-bye meal this evening. we went to this upper-class italian restaurant; it was quite nice. the whole menu was in italian and i couldn't find anything i wanted. eventually, i picked salad for an appetizer, shrimp and rice for my main dish, and a banana split for dessert.

i can't believe i'm leaving (the house) in a little over six hours... i really don't want to go, but i'm also looking forward to going home. i talked to my uncle andy on the phone not too long ago, just to say good-bye. this is all getting too real!

i have a 20-21 hour trip ahead of me, i hope i don't get stranded somewhere. and i hope security doesn't give me trouble. it's just little old me!

anyway, until canada... take care (and send me sleepy vibes so i can get a few hours sleep)!

I'm wearing: tank top, shorts
I'm listening to: waiting for bif to load up on
I'm thinking: i hope i get at least 3 hours sleep tonight

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