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switzerland vs. home
Saturday, Aug. 17, 2002
Marie is The current mood of at

stefan sleeps... it's music to my ears.

you know what else is pretty cool? watching gilmore girls in italian.

anyway... (drum roll please) i packed tonight! i put all my crap in one... sorry, two big piles and stared at them. i swear to you that it was huge, and thatthere was no possible way i was going to get it all in my bag. i wanted to cry. but i started packing anyway, and that bag got full really FAST. i still had tons of stuff to put in it, but dammit how was it all going to fit? you know what? i got it all in, and there's EXTRA SPACE. i've been here for a month and a half and accumulated so much shit... and i still have room. i'm going to boast my news when carina and christoph get home.

so i got my last bit of shopping done today: my brother's birthday present and half a dozen more bars of chocolate. hella expensive chocolate. and martin; i got hit him a harry potter shirt and game. i really think i should have gotten more stuff, but it's too late and now i have to keep my swiss money... somewhere around 100 bucks worth. the back of my mind says, "yay, i'll have at least 100 franks for my next trip!". but my logical mind says, "i need that money for my bills!". i can't wait for the day that i'm finally debt-free.

tomorrow's my last day here, i'm still in shock (which means there might be a delay until my next entry... don't be surprised if i don't update until after i get home). these six weeks have gone by so incredibly fast and i feel selfish for wanting to stay. i feel like a traitor for loving it here.

but i can't wait to step on that first plane and give the lady (or gentleman) my boarding pass. i can't wait to make my first step at home, and walk into the airport with the hugest smile in the world when i see my dad smiling right back at me. hell, i can't even wait to see my brother and sister. i can't wait to get to my house and call out to my dog, and kiss him while he jumps on me and hug him like i haven't seen him in a million years. i can't wait to see my room and open up all my bif stuff that waits for me. and i can't wait to sleep in my bed.

okay, i want to go home now =o)

I'm wearing: tank top, overall shorts
I'm listening to: the hum of the computer
I'm thinking: i wish flies would stop BITING me!

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